Bound 2

  • Long shot

    Long shot
    This long shot with him on clear background shows how he is the dominant figure throughout this music video also his body language shows he is incharge and also he is fully so your main focus is him and the camera is posoined straight on, this is a good way to welcome the main artist.
  • Period: to

    Bound 2

  • Long shot

    Long shot
    Dark lighting on Kim makes her not become recognized as a person but an object along with the motorbike as she is positioned in to compliment the bike and she is wearing heels, this is shown in the male gaze as the camera is looking straight on looking over her body.
  • Clsoe up

    Clsoe up
    This close up shows dismbered her body from her face and focusing on her faical expression's she is breaking the third wall and therefore is being submissive to the male gaze as she is squiting her eyes to define other features.
  • Close up

    Close up
    In this lighting its dark and Kim is not in the centre showing she is not the main focus of the video she has again become an object to the motor bike as she is in darker like, she is also topless which is stlyed accordingly to give visual pleasure.