Blowers Short Goal Setting Timeline

  • Step 1

    Step 1
    Telling myself that I need to attend these practices to get better at the sports I like
  • Step 2.

    Step 2.
    Set an alarm that gives me enough time to not be late to early bird or track practice.
  • Step 3

    Step 3
    Going as hard as I can in these practices. If i'm going to be attending these practices I might as well go as hard as I can.
  • Step 4

    Step 4
    After these practices I need to stretch and roll out after so I feel fresh for the next practice.
  • Step 5

    Step 5
    I need to remember my goals and continue to go to to practice even when the season is winding down.
  • Short Term Smart Goal

    Short Term Smart Goal
    S- I will attend Early Bird and track practices every day.
    M- Early Bird is in tuesdays, thursday and friday and track practices are every day.
    A- I will hold myself accountable to make both practices.
    R- Waking up early for early bird will be hard, but I will get better at sports.
    T- I will attend every practice until school is over in a few months.