black history, colin

  • cambridge platform established

    in 1640 the cambridge platform was established later on in history this would lead to the religose freedom act
  • religose freedom act

    the religose freedom act was inacted.
  • massachusetts proposal

    in 1729 the massachusettes proposal was adopted.
  • bars fight poem

    lucy terry a slave at the time created the first black poem to be published
  • bluestone church

    blue stone church is founded in 1758 byafrican american baptist
  • crispus attacks

    the first african american escape slave dies for american independens
  • book

    first book published by an african american
  • free blacks fight

    george washington allows freed africans to fight in the contenental army
  • passage removed

    they removed the passage about the slave trade in the united states
  • passage removed from deleration of independence

    the passage about free slaves is removed from the federal document
  • constitution ratified

    allows slave trade for another 20 years in the united states
  • african schools

    freed slaves creat a new african school in newyork city
  • book published

    Benjamin Banneker publishes the first black african american book
  • fugitive slave act

    congress passes the first fugitive slave act in 1793
  • church founded

    the first african methodist episcopal zion church is founded in new york
  • slave bands

    slave trade from africa is offically band and the importation of slaves from other countrys as well
  • black baptist church

    the abyssinian baptist church one of the oldest churches in united states newyork
  • 38 african americans resettled

    Paul cuff freed slave now businessman finances the settlement of 38 slaves
  • denmark&freedom

    plans massive rebellion of thousands of slaves
  • newpaper

    the first african newspaper in the united states is created and published
  • rebellion

    a national slave rebellion is formed and started across the united states