DNA History

  • DNA

    First exoneration using DNA in the United States
  • Kirk Bloodworth

    Kirk Bloodworth
    The first American sentenced to death row who was exonerated by DNA,
  • Thomas Hunt Morgan

    Thomas Hunt Morgan
    An american evolutionary biologist, geneticist, embryoligist and science author who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine for discoveries elucidating the role that the chromosomes play in herdity.
  • DNA

    Examination on DNA samples began.
  • Genes

    Concept of caretaker and gatekeeper genes introduced.
  • Oncogene expression

    Oncogene expression shown to cause replication instability.
  • Craig Ventor and Francis Collins

    Craig Ventor and Francis Collins
    Human Genome project and genome sequencing is discovered whivh helps discover diseases and diagnoses in the genes.
  • DDR Genes

    DDR Genes
    Multiple mutations in DDR genes identified in cancers
  • Human Genome

    Human Genome
    Human Genome project completed.
  • genome project

    genome project
    First draft of human genome project released
  • DDR Genes 2

    Multiple mutations in DDR Genes indentfied in cancers.