Between the Wars

By wilfar2
  • start of soviet union

    start of soviet union
    start of ussr
    It was created by Vladimir Lenin in 1917 and then Joseph Stalin took over in 1923.
  • Versailles Treaty

    Versailles Treaty
    treaty of versailles
    It was a peace treaty to end World War 1. It was very harsh and unfair to the Germans. They lost all their oversea colonies and they lost most of their army. They blamed the Germans for the war.
  • Period: to

    The Weimar Republic

    weimar republic
    The Weimar Republic was a Type of Government in Germany. It was replacing the Imperial form of government.
  • Mussolini takes over

    Mussolini takes over
    Mussolini became dictator of Italy in 1922. He created fascism which is one leader is in control.
  • Period: to

    Rise of Totalitarianism- Fascism, Nazism, Communism

    Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin all gained power through Nazism(Hitler), Communism(Stalin) and Fascism(Mussolini).
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Beer hall putsch
    This was the rise of the nazi party and Adolf Hitler.
  • Stalin gains power

    Stalin gains power
    Stalin gains power after Lenin died in 1924. He becomes General Secretary of the Communist party.
  • mein kampf

    mein kampf
    mein kampf
    Book written by Hitler about his plans for germany in the future and the nazi party.
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    great depression
    Stock market crash begins October 24. The top tax rate is 91 percent over the 10 years it lasted.
  • Period: to

    Response of League of Nations Italy invades ethiopia and japan invades manchuria

    japan invade manchuria
    Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 and then after that Italy invades Ethiopia in 1934.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    Hitler becomes chancellor in 1933. The Nazi party becomes the largest party in Germany.
  • reichstag fire

    reichstag fire
    reichstag fire
    The German parliament burned down due to arson. They thought it was a plan to overthrow the state.
  • nuremberg laws

    nuremberg laws
    nuremberg laws
    They were anti Jewish laws. They were very harsh and unfair to the Jews.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    munich conference
    The British gave Hitler land because he said he wouldn't take anymore. He lied and took Czechoslovakia.
  • kristallnacht

    The Nazis had anti Jewish riots and burned down cemeteries. They did this because they did not like Jews.
  • Sudentenland/Appeasement

    Hitler takes Sudentenland and says he won't take anymore. Then he captures Czechoslovakia.
  • Nazi Soviet Non-Agression Pact

    Nazi Soviet Non-Agression Pact
    Germany didn't want to fight a 2 front war so they signed a pact with Russia. It meant that they would not fight each other.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Hitler and Germany invaded Poland in 1939. It sparked the start of World War 2.