Battles of the civil war

By kane23
  • Fort sumter

    Fort sumter
    North- Anderson
    south- Beauregard
    Confederate won
    It was important because it sparked the start of the civil war
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    North- McDowell
    South- stone wall jackson, Beauregard
    Confederacy won
    it was improtant because it changed the views of the war
  • Battle of shiloh

    Battle of shiloh
    North- Unlysses S. Grant
    South- Beauregaurd
    Union won
    It was important because now the Union had controle of Memphis
  • Fall of New Orleans

    Fall of New Orleans
    Union- Davide Farragut
    union won
    it was important because the Union had complete controle of the mississippi river.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Union- McClellan
    Confederate- General Lee
    This battle was a tie
    This battle was important because the union was able to prevent Lee from moving the war North.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    North- Burnside
    South- Lee
    Confederacy won
    This battle was important because the south won again.
  • Shermans March to the sea

    Shermans March to the sea
    North- Sherman
    Union destroyed everything usfull to the south.
    This battle was important because they broke the moral of the south.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    North- Hooker
    South- Lee and Jackson
    Confederate won
    This battle was important because it ruined the Unions plan of attacking.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    North- Meade
    Confederate- Lee and pickett
    Union won
    This battle was important because it ended the confederates hope of Britian and France helping them and this battle was also a turning point in the war.
  • The Vicksburg Siege

    The Vicksburg Siege
    North- Ulysses S. Grant
    South- Everyone
    Union won
    This battle was also important because it was a major turning point and the Confederacy was split in half.
  • The Wilderness Campaign

    The Wilderness Campaign
    North- Grant
    North won
    This battle was important because Predident Lincoln defend Grant because he was a great fighter.
  • Farragut at Mobile Bay

    Farragut at Mobile Bay
    North- Farragut
    Union won
    This battle was important because the union took controle of the last southern port east of the mississippi.
  • Fall of Richmond

    Fall of Richmond
    South- Lee
    Union won
    This battle was important because the union took controle of the confederate capitol.