Battle of bull run

Battle of Bull Run July 21 1861

  • Before.

    On July 16th 1861 THe Union army under Brigadier General Irvin McDowell marched from Washington against the Confederate army.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Bull Run

  • Before

    Reinforcements supported the Confederate group behind Bull Run. Johnston arrived with all of his army, except for the troops of Brig. Gen. Kirby Smith. Beauregard's plan was to attack from there to the north toward Centreville. Johnston, the senior officer, approved the plan.
  • During

    On the morning of July 21, McDowell sent the divisions of Hunter and Heintzelman from Centreville at 2:30 a.m going south west on the Warrenton Turnpike and than started heading northwest to Sudley Springs. Tyler's division went to the Stone Bridge.The later units found the approach roads to Sudley Springs.
  • During "afternoon"

    During "afternoon"
    Late in the afternoon, Confederate reinforcements (one brigade arriving by rail from the Shenandoah Valley) extended and broke the Union right flank.
  • During Afternoon

    During Afternoon
    The Federal retreat rapidly fell into a rout. Although victorious, Confederate forces were too disorganized to pursue. Confederate Gen. Bee and Col. Bartow were killed.
  • During "end"

    During "end"
    Beauregard and Johnston did not fully press their advantage, despite urging from Confederate President Jefferson Davis, who had arrived on the battlefield to see the Union soldiers retreating. An attempt by Johnston to intercept the Union troops from his right flank, using the brigades of Brig. Gens. Milledge L. Bonham and James Longstreet, was a failure.