
Bailey novovesky

  • Conception

    An egg is released
    it moves through the Fallopian tube
    the sperm travels through the uterus up into the Fallopian tube to meet the egg
    If fertilization happens the egg with then move to the uterus
    if it connects to the wall then conception takes place
  • Month 1 -after conception

    Month 1 -after conception
    The first stage of development begins in the first two weeks
    The baby is now called a zygote
    The zygote begins to draw nourishment from the mother
    The cells start division
    only the size of a pin head
    All organs begin to form
    Heart begins beating
  • Month 2

    Month 2
    About 1/4 an inch long at the beginning of this month
    face eyes ears and limbs take shape
    bones begin to form
    breasts begin to swell
    pressure on bladder
    possible nausea
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    about 1 inch long
    nostrils mouth lips teeth and eyelids form
    fingers and toes almost complete
    all organs are present but immature
    breasts become firmer and fuller may ache
    nausea fatigue and frequent urination
    abdomen becomes larger
    uterus size of an orange
    weight gain of total 2-4 pounds
  • Month 4

    Month 4
    3 inches long 1 ounce
    can suck its thumb , swallow hiccup and move
    facial features become clearer
    belly continues to grow
    most discomforts are gone
    bigger appetite
  • Month 5

    Month 5
    7 inches bout 4-5 ounces
    hair eyelashes and eyebrows appear
    teeth continue to develop
    organs are maturing
    more active
    noticeable growth
    slight fetal movements felt
    affects posture
  • Month 6

    Month 6
    10 inches 8-12 ounces
    fat deposits under skin appears wrinkled
    breathing movements begin
    fetal movements noticeable
    weight gain of about 10 pounds
  • Month 7

    Month 7
    1 1/2 pounds 16 inches
    rest and quiet
    play time
  • Month 8

    Month 8
    2 1/2 pounds
    weight gain
    reactions to noises and reflex actions
    moves into head down position
    discomfort increases
    back leg cramps
    shortness of breath and fatigue
    fetal kicks disturb mothers rest
    gain of around 20 pounds
  • Month 9

    Month 9
    18 inches around 6 pounds
    weight gain continues until week before birth
    skin becomes smooth as fat deposits continue
    movements decrease because of lack of space
    acquires disease fighting antibodies from mothers blood
    descends into pelvis ready for birth
    lightening felt as fetus drops into the pelvis
    breathing becomes easier
    discomforts still occur
    false labor pains may happen

    gain of around 35 pounds