Baby's 1st Year- Andrea Jones

  • 1st month

    1st month
    -Moves head side to side while lying on stomach
    -Brings eyes within range of eyes and mouth
    -Keeps hands in tight fists
  • 2nd month

    2nd month
    -His legs are straightening out, and his kicks are stronger.
    -Responding to you with gurgles, coos and ahhs and ohhs and even smiles.
    - lifting his shoulders during tummy time
  • 3rd month

    3rd month
    -She follows moving objects with her eyes.
    -mimicking some sounds, movements and expressions and starting to babble.
    -She can grasp and shake a toy
  • 4th month

    4th month
    -Baby’s bringing his hand to his mouth and feeling objects with his mouth too.
    -Baby may be able to roll from his stomach to his back and push up to his elbows.
    -Baby looks at things in the distance now, not just those close to him.
  • 5th month

    5th month
    -He's likely reaching with both hands, grasping things and holding them using all his fingers.
    -Baby is fascinated by his hands and may have started bringing both of them together.
    -Baby can now spot a toy just out of reach, and grab it.
  • 6th month

    6th month
    • rolls in both directions: back to front and front to back. -respond quickly to noises, turning their head quickly when they hear something. -Baby sits up—but probably with some help.
  • 7th month

    7th month
    -Baby might be able to sit up by herself without any help
    -picks things up with her whole hand
    -bears weight on her legs when you hold her upright.
  • 8th month

    8th month
    • He can probably sit up by himself—but you'll still need to catch him sometimes—and is beginning to lean over to pick up toys. -When baby’s on the floor, he's in constant motion -creeping or scooting to get where they want to go.
  • 9th month

    9th month
    -may be able to hold on to the couch or coffee table to stand himself up.
    -begin to pick things up using their pointer finger and thumb
    -make sounds like mamamama and dadadada
  • 10th month

    10th month
    -learned how to point
    -Baby now can probably sit up without any support
    -Talking. say “mama” or “dada”
  • 11th month

    11th month
    -baby may begin to hold on to furniture as she walks herself around
    -She can recognize objects and point to them when you ask her where they are.
    -getting better and better at crawling.
  • 12th month

    12th month
    -Baby also understands one-step commands if you use gestures
    -stand for a few moments without support
    -sits for long periods of time and can twist and turn to reach different toys.