Baby's 1st year-Nittzy Garza

  • 4th month

    4th month
    1. Holds up the head and chest, supported by the arms, while on tummy.
    2. Bring toys to the mouth, often with a two-handed grasp.
    3. Has good head control when sitting.
  • 5th month

    5th month
    1. Sit upright for longer periods of time.
    2. Sit unsupported for a few seconds at a time. 3.Start rolling over from their back to their tummy.
  • 6th month

    6th month
    1. Push up from his tummy onto hands and knees, and rock back and forth.
    2. Stand firmly on legs when held in a standing position.
    3. Extend arms to keep from falling backwards.
  • 7th month

    7th month
    1. Learning to get around, although they don't all do it in the same way.
    2. Your baby may creep, scoot, roll, crawl, or combine all four movements.
    3. Sit unassisted and reach for and pick up toys, playtime involves a lot more independence than in months past.
  • 8th month

    8th month
    1. Gaining a lot of new strength.
    2. They may be strong enough to pull themselves up to a standing position while holding onto a chair or sofa.
    3. They should start cruising around using the furniture for support.
  • 9th month

    9th month
    1. Stand by flexing his knees and pushing off from a squat.
    2. Use the tip of the index finger and thumb to pick up small items.
    3. Walk when supported by both hands.
  • 10th month

    10th month
    1. Babies at this age can crawl, pull from a seated position to standing, squat while holding on or sit back down, and cruise around while holding onto the furniture or your hands.
    2. Your baby may be down to a single one-hour nap during the day.
    3. Baby’s palate by offering a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, yogurt, and meats.
  • 11th month

    11th month
    1. cruising around while holding onto the furniture or your hands.
    2. He might even let go of your hands to try out a few tentative steps alone or he might even be walking independently.
    3. Some babies at this age experiment by standing on their toes or on one leg.
  • 12th month

    12th month
    1. Drop down from a standing to a sitting position.
    2. Point, poke, touch, and pry with the index finger.
    3. Hold and try to use a spoon.
  • 1st month

    1st month
    Kick their arms and legs in a jerky, uncoordinated way.
    Confidently suck from a breast or bottle.
    Wriggle and squirm on your lap or in their cribs.
  • 2nd month

    2nd month
    1.When on his or her belly, can hold up the head and may even push up on the arms.
    2.Good head control when held in a sitting position.
    3. Newborn reflexes start to go away, like the moro (startle) reflex and tonic reflex (fencer's pose).
  • 3rd month

    3rd month
    1. Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance. 2.Takes swipes at dangling objects with hands. 3.Raises head and chest when lying on stomach.