The god of the internet

Awesome Viruses

  • CIH

    The virus was created by Chen Ing-hau who was a student at Tatung University in Taiwan. A destructive parasitic virus CIH also known as “Chernobyl”. Once activated, the virus annihilates the data on the hard disk and overwrites the computer’s Flash BIOS chip, rendering it completely inoperable and unless the chip is reprogrammed the user will not be able to boot the machine at all.
  • Melissa

    One of the first computer viruses to get the public's attention. Was created by David L. Smith and was named after an exotic dancer from Florida. This virus was activated by sending an email saying something along the lines of "Here's that document you wanted don't show it to anyone else." the email, after being opened, replicated itself 50 times and sent it to the reciever's top 50 email adresses. This virus caused some email programs to shut down. until the virus was dealt with.

    A computer worm that destroyed and replace important computer documents in the recievers computer. The worm was triggered by opening an email with the subject line as ILOVEYOU and an attachment called LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs. Was created by Reonel Ramones and Onel de Guzman. Damn Philippenos.
  • Code Red

    Code Red
    The worm spread itself using a common type of vulnerability known as a buffer overflow. It did this by using a long string of the repeated character 'N' to overflow a buffer, allowing the worm to execute arbitrary code and infect the machine. Creater not found.
  • Code Red 2

    Code Red 2
    Very similar to the original but this worm did not itself attack the computer but exploited a "backdoor" to allow attacks from other viruses. Creater still unknown.
  • Nimda

    Used several different types of infection to spread and became the internets most widespread worm within 22 minutes of release. The worm infected user workstations and servers running Windows NT and 2000.
  • Klez

    Was a worm that was activated by opening an email attachment that was called either "Microsoft Word Patch" or "Klez Virus Antidote". when opened its searches for addreses to send itself to. When it sends itself it might send an important document as an attachment possibly causing security breaches. Creater not found.
  • SQL Slammer/Sapphire

    SQL Slammer/Sapphire
    It exploited a buffer overflow bug in Microsoft's flagship SQL Server and Desktop Engine database products. Caused a denial of service on some Internet hosts and dramatically slowed down general Internet traffic. It spread rapidly infecting most of the 75,000 victims within 10 minutes.
  • Bagle

    Another computer worm that opens a backdoor to computers. Infects computers through email. It does not mail itself to addresses containing certain strings such as "", "", "@microsoft" or "@avp". Tries to make the computer download items from the internet automatically.

    Like many other computer worms, the MYDOOM worm infected users through email and created a backdoor to allow other viruses to infect the computer. This worm also created much email traffic specifically toward the SCO group.
  • Netsky

    Made beeping noises mostly in the morning hours and had insults written in the code that were directed toward the makers of the MYDOOM and the Baegel viruses. And was also written by Sven Jaschan.
  • Sasser

    Shut down AFP satellites for hours and caused delta airlines to cancel several trans-Atlantic flights. Was created by Sven Jaschan.
  • Leap-a/Oompa-a

    Could only infect over a LAN and not the internet. When leap infects a computer it infects an application and when that application is ran the virus infects the top four most recently used applications and if those applications don't meet the above criteria then no more infecting takes place at that time.
  • Storm Worm

    Storm Worm
    Like other worms and viruses this one infects computers through email with a subject line of "230 dead as storm batters Europe". This virus also created a back door like many other viruses that allowed easy access to the computer system. And also made the computer into a spam bot.
  • Conflicker

    Infected buisinesses, home, and government computers in over two hundred countries making it the largest known virus since 2003. Also created a backdoor.