
Australia and World War 1

  • The Assasination of Franz Ferdinand

    The Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
    On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. Serbia was blamed by Austria for this murder. Austria decided that Serbia must be punished and planned to invade Serbia called Russia to help. Austria called on Germany. The German government agreed to this and their response provoked the French government.
    This event is very important because it is one of the many reasons that sparked the beggining of the Great War.
  • Andrew Fisher's Famous Speech

    Andrew Fisher's Famous Speech
    Andrew Fisher, 4th Australian Prime Minister, ensured Australiathat ''should the worst happen, Australians will stand beside the mother country to help and defend her to the last man and the last shilling.''
    This event was important because it was shown through the Prime minister of Australia, how brave and willing Australia were.
    Image/Picture: This image is a primary source.
  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    The First World War began when Britain and Germany went to war in August 1914; Prime Minister Andrew Fisher pledged full support for Britain. The outbreak of war was hailed in Australia with great enthusiasm.
    Picture/Image: This picture is a Primary source because it was taken at the time and was published on the date.
    This event is important to World War 1 because is was when britain declared war on Germany, and when Australia first got involved.
  • First Battle of Ypres

    First Battle of Ypres
    The First Battle of Ypres was sparked because it stood in the middle of the Germans plan to sweep across Belgium and into France from the north. The Germans use of tear gas sparked the beggining of The Second Battle of Ypres, which coninues until the 25th of May 1915. The first gas attack occurred against Canadian, British, Australian and French soldiers.
    This event is important because it was one of Australias earlir battles.
    Image/Picture: This image is a Primary source.
  • War in the Middle east

    War in the Middle east
    Over a million British, Australian, New Zealand and Indian troops were sent to the area to fight the Turks. In April 1916 the Allied troops were forced to surrender. Over 12,000 men/soldiers were captured.
    This event is important because it affected a lot of the British Allies and esulted in a lot of captures and deaths.
    Image/Picture: This image of the war is a Primary source.
  • Allied Troops land at Gallipoli

    Allied Troops land at Gallipoli
    The Australian Imperial Force land at Gallipoli together with troops from New Zealand, Britain, and France to fight the Turks. The troops were very conjested on the small beach and they were also faced with steep cliffs which they had to climb to get off the beach.
    ''many Turkish guns gave us alot of trouble, shelling our boats and causing many casualties.''
    This event is important becase it was the start of a long war.
    Picture/Image: This photo of the gallipoli landing is a primary source
  • The Sinking of the Lusitania

    The Sinking of the Lusitania
    1,198 died and the toll of civilians killed in the disaster shocked everyone.The Americans were outraged that 128 of their civilians died in a war they were not taking part in.
    On May 7, the ship neared the coast of Ireland. A torpedo was fired by the German submarine and split into her side. A mysterious second explosion ripped the liner apart.
    This event is important because even though the americans lost many men, the British Allies finally felt that the war won
    Image/Picture: Primary source
  • Australians at Lone Pine Ridge

    Australians at Lone Pine Ridge
    On the afternoon of 6th August 1915, the ANZACS, attacked the Turkish trenches a Lone Pine Ridge. the fighting was hand in habd, with rifles and bayonets. By the evening the Australians had captured the ridge. The Australains lost 2273 men during the action.
    This event is important because it was one of the major wars that influenced Australia, and resulted in to many deaths of ANZAC soldiers.
    Image/Picture: this image of Lone Pine Ridge is a primary source.
  • Battle of The Nek

    Battle of The Nek
    The Battle of the Nek was a small World War I battle fought as part of the Gallipoli campaign. "The Nek" was a narrow stretch of ridge in the Anzac battlefield on the Gallipoli peninsula.On 7 August 1915 two of the Australian 3rd Light Horse Brigade mounted a tragic and futile attack on the Ottoman trenches on Baby 700.
    This event is important becaue the Gallipoli campaign was a very intense battle the ANZACS were involved in.
    Picture/Image: this image of Gallipoli is a secondary source.
  • Battle of Hill 60 (Gallipoli)

    Battle of Hill 60 (Gallipoli)
    The battl eof Hill 60 was the last major asault of the abttle of Gallipoli. On 22 August the attack was reinforced by the Australian 18th Battalion which was part of the newly arrived Australian 2nd Division. The men were fresh and healthy finding cover under Hill 60 and neighbouring Hill 100, the infantry were decimated. The undergrowth caught fire, burning and killing many soldiers.
    This event is very important because it was the last Gallipoli battle which was one of the major battles fought.
  • Evacuation of Gallipoli

    Evacuation of Gallipoli
    The most successful operation of the Gallipoli campaign was the evacuation of infantry and Light horse troops on 19 and 20 December. A well organised tactical deception operation was used in order to evacuate the troops.
    This event is important because it was one of the longest battles Australia had to contribute in.
    Picture/Image: this picture is a primary source because it was taken at the time of the event.
  • The battle of Verdun

    The battle of Verdun
    The battle of Verdun was the longest battle fought in WW1 and had a larg impact on why the British started the battle of the Somme. After German Chief quoted that he wanted to "bleed France white"
    This event is important ecause it was what sparked one of the most major battles the Australian army had to fight in.
    Image/Picture: This image is a Primary source.
  • Battle of Jutland

    Battle of Jutland
    The Battle of Jutland is considered to be the only major naval battle of WW1 involving Germany and Britain before the outbreak of war in August 1914
    This event in important because it was consided the major navel battle involving Australia.
    Picture/Image: This image is a Primary source because it is a picture of an important boat, taken a the time before the event.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    This battle was intended as a joint French-British attack trying to drain the German forces of reserves. The attack sees 750,000 allied soldiers set upon a 30 km front from north of the Somme river between Arras and Albert. On the first day nearly 60,000 soldiers were wounded, dead or missing, It is the worst single day's fighting in British military history.
    This event is important because it was one of the major battles Australia fought in.
    Picture/Image: This image is a Primary source
  • Battle of Fromelles

    Battle of Fromelles
    On July 19th Australian and British troops from two divisions (61st Division and the 5th Australian Division) attacked German positions at Fromelles.
    This event i thought was important because it was one of the battles the British Allies fought in.
    Picture/Image: this image is a primary source because it was taken at the time of the event.
  • Battle of Romani

    Battle of Romani
    The British and Australian defences were camped admist a series of large, towering sand dunes, 35 kilometres east of the canal, this position was held throughout the 4th of August. The next morning the Australian 1st and 2nd Light Horse Brigades advanced on foot with the bayonet. Turkish resistance collapsed at this point, and large numbers of prisoners were taken.
    This event is important because it was one of the battles involving the Australian light horse brigade.
  • First Battle of Bullecourt

    First Battle of Bullecourt
    The Battle was fought as part of the British offensive north and south of Arras. It was undertaken to support a major attack further south. It resulted in 3,289 Australian casulties.
    This battle and event is important because it was fought to support Allies, lots of soldiers wer killed during this war.
    Image/Picture: This picture of the Bullecourt trenches is a Primary source.
  • Third Battle of Ypres

    Third Battle of Ypres
    Also known as the Battle of Passchendaele, was fought by the British devisions in landscape of mud, shell craters and barbed wire. The briish Allies were not strong enough to stand tall and hold off other troops, so eventually gave up the fight.
    This event is important because Australia had to surrender this fight under harsh reason.
    Image/Picture: This pictre is a Secondary source.
  • Battle of Dernancourt

    Battle of Dernancourt
    The 4th Australian Divisionhad moved into the battle area north of the river at Dernancourt. By this time the Germans were slowing down. The Germans bombarded the Australians as their flare fires were not recieved. The battle ended in a bayonet charge and hand to hand fighting, the Australians suffered 1,233 casualties.
    This event is important because it was a very had fight for Australia to be involved in and even though they were victorious they lost a lot of men.
    Image/Picture: Primary source
  • End of the Great War

    End of the Great War
    The German Government signed a treaty with the Allies at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month. This event represented the end of World War 1.
    This event is important because it showed the results that were impacted to the Australian Population due to the events at WW1.
    Image/Picture: This is a Primary source.