Ho chi minh

August Revolution

By chemily
  • Ho Chi Minh calls for a general uprising

    This was done after the news of the Japanese surrender.
  • General Giap and his Viet Minh troops entered Hanoi

  • General Giap and his army enter Hanoi

  • Bao Dai, the puppet emperor of the Japanese abdicated

    Also, Ho Chi Minh claimed independence for the newly named republic of Vietnam (DRV).
  • Ho Chi Minh travels to Hanoi for the first time in his life, to prepare for independence day

    Also, the new provisional government organises the cities transport, adminstrative and public utilites, infrastructure and the distriubtion of food to avert further starvation
  • The Japenese formally surrend to the US onboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay

    On the same day the Vietnamese celebrate their selfproclaimed independence. This celebration was the first public apperance of Ho Chi Minh.
  • Viet Minh arrange a friendly reception for the British General Gracey

    However, the Gracey refuses to deal with the Viet Minh and sets about arranging the return of the French
  • Despite the efforts of the Viet Minh to boycott the British, French troops staged a brutal crackdown on Viet Minh HQ

  • About 200 European civilians are killed in the suburbs of Saigon

    This was in a revenge attack by the Viet Minh
  • However in this month Chinese nationalists recognized French soverignity over Indochina and withdraw their forces

  • A comprimise is reached between Ho Chi Minh and the French

    • Ho's Vietnma would be recognized as a free state within the French union of Indochinese states.
    • Chochinchina would be seperate and it's future decided by a referendum at some later date.
    • Ho would permit the presence of 25,000 French troops in Vietnam for the next 5 years.
    This agreement was unsatisfactory to Ho, who wanted a united, independent Vietnam.