Atomic Structure

  • 442


    VideoIn 422 BC, Democritus reasoned that matter must be made of small particles that were indivisble and therefore named them atomos (Greek word for indivisible)
  • Lavoisier

    Was a french chemist who calculated measurements of chemical change in a sealed container. He observed that the mass of the reactant in the container before a chemical reaction was equal to the mass of the products after.Video
  • Proust

    VideoAnother french chemist observed that the composition of water is always 11% hydrogen and 89% oxygen by mass. Decovered the Law of Definite Proportions-the elements that compose a compound are always in a certain proportion by mass.
  • Dalton

    Dalton is the father of atomic theory.
    1. Matter is composed of tiny, indivisible particles known as atoms. - Proven wrong because atoms contain protons, neutrons, and electrons.
    2. Atoms of the same element are identical, and atoms of any one element are different from those of another. - Proven wrong becuase of isotopes.
  • Dalton Cont.

    Dalton Cont.
    1. Reactions occure when atoms are separated from one another, joined, or rearranged, but matter cannot be created or destroyed. This is the Law of Concervation of Mass.
    2. Atoms of different elements can combine in whole number ratios form compounds - Law of Definite Proportions and Law of Multiple Proportions.
  • Thomson

    videoDiscovered electrons and protons using a cathode ray tube.
  • Rutherford

    videoUsed the Gold Foil Experiment to make the "Plum Pudding" Model of the atom- the positive mass was dotted with negatively charged electrons.
  • Milikan

    VideoUsed the Oil Drop Experiment to find the negative charge of an electron.
  • Chadwick

    VideoProved the existance of the neutron.