Atlantic World - Discovery of the New World Georgia Salke

By gsalke1
  • Oct 9, 1492

    1492: Columbus sailed the ocean blue

    1492: Columbus sailed the ocean blue
    Columbus goes on his journey in 1942. He sails for Spain and is sponsered by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. When Columbus reaches land he think that it is India, which it isn't. He calls the people who lived there Indians.
  • Oct 9, 1511

    1511: First enslaved Africans arrive in the Americas

    1511: First enslaved Africans arrive in the Americas
    The first enslaved Africans arrive in Hispaniola in 1511. Slaves come to the New World on boats where there is usually very little space. Commercial goods from Europe are shipped to Africa for sale and traded for enslaved Africans. Africans are then brought to Hispaniola. This is known as Atlantic Slave Trade.
  • Oct 9, 1521

    1521: Cortés conquers Aztec Empire

    1521: Cortés conquers Aztec Empire
    In 1521, Cortés conquers the Aztec Empire. He brings down the capital, Technotitlan. The Spaniards have guns and more advanced technology, so they beat the Aztecs. The Europeans also bring over diseases that bring down the Aztecs.
  • Oct 9, 1533

    1533: Pizarro conquers Incan Empire

    1533: Pizarro conquers Incan Empire
    Pizarro conquers the Incan Empire in 1533. He sets out to find the Incan empire. The Spanish win the war and he ends up raiding Peru and taking it over. He is able to because he brought diseases and guns. Pizarro founds Lima, the capital of Peru.
  • 1607: English found Jamestown

    1607: English found Jamestown
    The English found Jamestown in 1607. First permanent settlement by British. Within a year 70 percent of the people there die from sicknesses or hunger. Jamestown is on marshy land, which is bad for farming. This is why Jamestown is eventually abandoned.
  • 1620: English found Plymouth

    1620: English found Plymouth
    The English found Plymouth in 1620. It is America's first permanent Puritan colony. King Charles wanted to divorce his wife, and under his relgion he couldn't do so. This is why Charles creates the Church of England. Puritans are part of the Church of England, but want to purify it.
  • 1763: French and Indian War ends

    1763: French and Indian War ends
    The French Indian war ends in 1763. It was caused by hostility between French and British due to control of certain places. French and Indians were working together, but Indians worked on both sides, French and British. The two had been at war for centuries so this was continuation .French will lose, as usual.