
  • 130

    First Star map 130BC

    The first accurate star map was created with over 850 of the brightest stars.
  • Jan 1, 1054

    Taurus Supernova

    Chinese astronomers observe supernova in Taurus
  • Jan 1, 1120

    Observatory in Ciaro

    Construction of an observatory in Cairo was begun in 1120 A.D. This is possibly the first observatory built in Medieval Islam. But because the patron of the observatory was found guilty of several crimes he was sentenced to death. It was demolished in 1125.
  • Galileo's discoveries

    He discovers 4 Jovian moons, the Moon's craters and the Milky Way galaxy.
  • Mars Moons

    Asaph Hall discovers Phobos and Deimos, the moons of Mars.