
barretero Vocabulary Timeline

  • jip his story

    jip his story
    -make or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent.
    -Katherine Paterson.
    - I think we need a moderate influence in that row.
  • Revelations

    host by Katherine Paterson
    "revelations about his personal life"
  • reconditioned

    condition again. it means to condition again in page 56
  • Dominican republic

    A republic in the West Indies, occupying the E part of the island of Hispaniola. Back side of the book. Author: Lynn Joseph
  • rezoned

    Assign land or property to a different planning zone is basically the definition of rezoned
    Title:Diary Of A Wimpy Kid The Last Stream.
    Author:Jeff Kinney
  • communally

    With a pistol in his hand- Americo Paredes "In such closely knit groups most tasks and amusements were engaged in communally.Roundups and branding were..."
  • Diary Of A Wimpy Kid/The Ugly Truth

    Diary Of A Wimpy Kid/The Ugly Truth
    Definition-The exercise of control or influence over someone or something, or the state of being so controlled
  • cologne

    Diary Of A Wimpy Kid/The Ugly Truth
    Definition- perfume and things that smell good is the definition of cologne
  • Backfired

    D.O.A.W.K hard luck
    Word: Backfired
    Definition:undergo or mistimed exploration in the cylinder or exhaust is the definition of backfired
    Textual evidence:
  • simultaneously

    Title: D.O.A.W.K Old school
    Simultaneously means a thing that happened at the same time than something else or it could just be like at the same time.
  • replenished (26)

    replenished (26)
    Child Of The Journey pg 0-32
    " The crates will be replenished all week."(26)
    -To fill or re fill something
  • Scrunched

    My textual evidence is "Julian scrunched up his face and started tapping his forehead like he was thinking really hard"
    Definition- Crush or smush
  • Petrified

    Word- Petrified
    Definition- so frightened that one is unable to move; terrified.(3 r.j palacio)
  • percussion(19)

    Book- Wonder
    Def-the striking of one solid object with or against another with some degree of force
  • Ambitious(chapter 5)

    Ambitious(chapter 5)
    Definition-having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.
    "his mother was hard-working and ambitious for her four children" (Chapter 5).
  • Fatally (127)

    Fatally (127)
    Diary of a Wimpy kid
    Definition-In a way that leads to failure or disaster.
    when Greg was taking care of a kid and he said he did a bad job and that lead him to being fatally
  • Reluctant

    Definition:"today, many ordinary people are still reluctant to talk about politics";unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.
  • evaluate (126)

    evaluate (126)
    Word: Evaluate
    Definition:form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess.
    "when you evaluate any hammer, look for precision machining"
  • Truce (18)

    Truce (18)
    Book: Fallen Angles
    Word: Truce
    Definition: an agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time.
  • Hex Hall (4)

    Hex Hall (4)
    Def: Say something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for others to hear.
  • Word: Meaningless

    Word: Meaningless
    Word: Meaningless
    Definition : having no meaning or significance.
    "So that's it? His death was meaningless"
  • Dignified (16)

    Dignified (16)
    Hex Hall - Page 16 " They were all taller than average and very dignified looking" ( Rachel Hawkins 16).
    Definition - having or showing a composed or serious manner that is worthy of respect.
  • Shrouded (41)

    Shrouded (41)
    Word- Shrouded
    Def-cover or envelop so as to conceal from view.
    "That meant that the shower stalls in the back of the room were shrouded in darkness" ( Rachel Hawkins 41).
  • Gauge(132)

    Definition- he thickness, size, or capacity of something, especially as a standard measure, in particular.
    Word- Gauge