
Architecture through time.

  • Period: 100 to

    Architecture through time.

    A look at how architecture changed through the periods of time.
  • 132

    The Temple of Jupiter

    The Temple of Jupiter
    The Jews revolted and Romans tore down the Jewish temple. Jews rebuilt a new temple and called it Temple of Jupiter. It was built in dedication to Optimus Maximus Jupiter. The temple was built by Tarquinius Priscus and finished by Taruinius Superbus. It lays on the site of the old Jewish temple which is a high podium with an entrance staircase in the front.
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Gothic architecture

    Gothic architecture
    Gothic achitecture is a style of architecture developed in medeival times. It started with stained glass windows, gargoyles, flying buttresses, tall spires and pointed arches. The history dates back to the 12th century with castles and stone work carvings.
  • Jan 18, 1450

    Renaissance architecture

    Renaissance architecture
    Mosat noticed how much the architecture changed it Italy int he 15th century. The Vitruvian principals of symmetry and order were used for almost every building. Bruelichi's invention of perspective, a drawing technique, really chsnged the way Italian architect built. The Renaissance architecture was dominated by flat surfaces and strong lines emphasize.