• Headright system

    way to attract new settlers and address the labor shortage. New settlers who paid way into VA gained 50 acres of land.
  • House of Burgesses

    first democratically elected legislative body in British-American colonies.
  • mayflower compact

    first governing document of plymouth colony.
  • John Locke

    enlightenment thinker. known as "father of liberalism"
  • New England Confederation

    military alliance of Mass. Bay, Connecticut, and NEw Haven
  • Halfway Covenant

    partial church membership, a reverend felt that people were drifting from religious purpose
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    revolt led by Nathanial Bacon in VA against gov. William Berkeley.
  • Thomas Hobbes

    a philosopher. known for his political writings
  • William Penn

    William Penn founded the providence of Pennsylvania. He was a quaker and a philosopher.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    series of hearings and prosecutions of young teenage girls being accused of witchcraft
  • Anne hutchinson

    important participant in the antinomian controversy
  • Iroquois Confederacy

    confederation of Indian tribes played a role in the struggle between French and British mastery of North America.
  • Peter Zenger Trial

    Publisher who published actions of the corrupt royal governer. Was tried for pulication of private informtaion. Zenger won the trial.
  • French and Indian War

    also known as seven years war. British colonies and New France. who had the right over the Mississippi River and certain territories.
  • Albany Plan

    plan to create a unified government for thirteen colonies.