APUSH Key Terms Units 1 & 2

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    An Italian sailor who claims to be the first European to discover the Americas. He landed at the West Indies thinking that they were islands near India
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus‘s four voyages

    Starting in 1492, Columbus sailed across the Atlantic in hopes of finding a shorter route to get to India. However, he arrived at the west Indies, discovering the New World
  • 1519

    Cortes conquered the Aztecs

    Cortes conquered the AztecsIn the most profound and corrupt way. Excepted the gifts from the Aztecs, and when he was warmly welcomed into their empire, obliterated it.
  • The Roanoke colony

    The Roanoke colony was the English his attempt of making a permanent colony in the New World. It was sponsored by sir Walter Raleigh and is in modern day North Carolina. Because of his store cool and accuracy we find that All information the Roanoke colony d disappeared and makes it seem like the company itself disappeared.
  • Jamestown is founded

    Jamestown is one of the most iconic settlements of the European pilgrimage. It is found in modern-day is Virginian and the remains of the first successful English settlement are still able to be found. King James I was the person who granted a charter that allowed the settlement to be found.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson was a English sailor who is known for exploring what is now Canada and New England.
  • The Africans arrive to Virginia

    For many different reasons including a failing economic system, the settlers decided to bring Africans to the settlements to work as slaves and do the work that they were either unwilling or unable to do
  • The Virginia House of burgesses

    This was the first legislative call Lishan or assembly in the American colonies the governor and governor Yeardley, counsel, and 22 burgesses were always present at the legislative meetings. There were 22 burgesses because there were two burgesses representing each plantation, so each plantation could have an equal say.
  • The pilgrims arrive at Plymouth

    Plymouth is a another iconic American colonies, this one being on the coast of Massachusetts, south of modern fay Boston. The pilgrims arrive on the mayflower and landed on shore at the Cape Cod.
  • William Bradford

    Bradford helped lead the Puritans from England to escape religious persecution. He lead them across the Atlantic and they traveled for 2 month to finally arrive on September 6, 1620. He later became the colony governor for thirty years starting 1626 and ending in 1656.
  • John Winthrop

    John Winthrop came on the Mayflower with the Puritans and was their first governor. He took his family with him on Mayflower after selling his estate in England.
  • The Puritans migrate to Massachusetts

    At this time the Puritans were not allowed to worship the Lord as they pleased. So to solve this problem they decided to journey to the New World in hope of religious freedom and being able to worship God as they see fit.
  • George Calvert

    George Calvert was actively looking for a place free of religious conflict so that Catholics and protestants could get along when he discovered Maryland. This was important because it was different from the Puritans. The Puritans came seeking religious freedom, and Calvert came seeking peace between religions
  • The Pequot tribe.

    This Native American tribe was I conically fears and ruthless against European colonists in settlers because of the uncertainty that these invaders brought with them. This led to the Pequot war in 1635.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Anne Hutchinson was an active spiritual leader in the Puritan movement. She was a iconic activists in the Antinomialist controversy. She was put on trial for holding meetings with men and women and was banished for having a “revelation from God.”
  • Roger Williams

    Roger Williams was a minister and the Puritan church and founder of the colony of Rhode Island. He was an advocate for separation of church and state and also religious freedom, the exact reason why the pilgrims came to the New World in the first place.
  • William Penn

    William was the founder of the colony or province of Pennsylvania. He was a quaker and spend time with the creator of Quakerism George Fox
  • William III and Mary II

    This royal husband and wife strongly opposed Louis the 14th. He also allowed Protestantism and parliament in the united kingdom. (The date is the beginning of king Williams reign)