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APUSH Civil War

  • Fugitive Slave Act (Political)

    Fugitive Slave Act (Political)
    This act that was passed allowed law enforcement to capture run away slaves. The law was made so any captured slaves found anywhere in the United States and all it's lands would be returned to their owners. Many Northerners refused to follow this, and it was a target for heated debate in many places, Federal and otherwise. Picture from:
  • Period: to

    American Cival War events

  • Kansas Nebraska Act (Cause of war)

    Kansas Nebraska Act (Cause of war)
    As a way to resolve tensions between North and South's fued over slavery in new territories, the Kansas Nebraska Act was reported. This act, designed by Stephan A. Douglas, would have the potential to even repeal the Missouri Compromise. The bill was passed, and created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. Settles who began to live in this land, would be granted Popular Soverignity, and this would be the way all new territories settled if their land was to be a slave territory, or free.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act (Cont.)

    Popular Soverignity was a way to allow people to vote if they wanted slaves or not to be in the land they lived in. Due to this, "Border Ruffians" would move in, and cause havoc, while other pro-slavists would move there to bolster pro-slave votes. This led to "Bleeding Kansas" Picture from:
  • Pottawatomie Massacre (Cause)

    Pottawatomie Massacre (Cause)
    John Brown, a abolitionist took matters to the extreme. He and his men, some even his sons, went to Pottawatomie where some alleged Pro-Slavery supports lived. In the dead of night, they drug three men outside, and used cavalry sabres to butcher them before fleeing. This made many Southerners cry out, and quite frankly pissed a lot of people off.
  • Lincoln Elected (Political)

    Lincoln Elected (Political)
    Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, was elected with 180 electoral votes, and 40% of the popular vote. He was determined to hold the Union together, and that was his goal, not to abolish slavery. It later happened he did that because it was needed. This caused tensions to flare, and Southern States left the Union. Picture from:
  • South Carolina Seceeds from Union (Cause)

    South Carolina Seceeds from Union (Cause)
    As Lincoln was elected, South Carolina felt it was needed to seceed from the Union, and wrote a large decleration of secession. They decided it was their role to do this, and make themselves their own country, to levy war, make peace, trade, and do all other things a country is entitled to do. The other states that felt the same way followed suit. Picture from:
  • Confederate Dollars (Economy)

    Confederate Dollars (Economy)
    The Confederacy started to print and issue their own paper dollars, which started as bonds. Slowly more and more was printed, making them worth less and less. They started at the worth of about 90 cents, and by the last two years of the war they were worth less than 6 cents in gold value. The economey was inflated, and the bills were worthless, people hoarded gold and silver instead. Picture from:$15.jpg
  • Lincoln Inaguration (Cause)

    Lincoln Inaguration (Cause)
    This was the day Abraham Loncol was inagurated. He gave his first inagural speech, the first of two. It was done after South Carolina had seceeded from the Union, and he was determined to bring the Union back together. Picture from:
  • Fort Sumter Capture (Battle)

    Fort Sumter Capture (Battle)
    The first battle of the war. Confederate forces under Gen. Pierre Beauregard attack the fort, capturing it after Union forces surrender from the bombardment. The first casulaty of the war id an accident during the 100 rifle salute to the flag, a spark ignites nearby powder, killing the soldier. The Rebels take the fort and fly the flag.
  • 75k Militia summonded (Homefront)

    75k Militia summonded (Homefront)
    Lincoln issues a Proclomation calling for a draft of 75,000 Militiamen. In addition, he summons a special session of Congress, and Robert E. Lee is offered command of Union forces. Lee refuses, and stays out of the war for now.
  • Union Blockade on Confederates (Economic)

    Union Blockade on Confederates (Economic)
    The Union Navy blockaded the Southern ports to put strain on their economy. It was effective at stopping their shipping of cotton, and importation of various goods that could only come over seas. The blockade was proclaimed by Lincoln on April 19th 1861 Picture from:
  • Lee resigns to Confederacy (Homefront)

    Lee resigns to Confederacy (Homefront)
    General Lee of the Union army, resigns from the United States Army saying "I cannot raise my hand against my birthplace, my home, my children.". Upon arriving, he is offered command of all Naval and Military forces of the Confederate army. Lee accepts, and assumes command of Confederate forces against the Federal Army and the United States of America.
  • Modern Warfare: Maritime warfare changed forever

    Modern Warfare: Maritime warfare changed forever
    The Confederates send a single ship, the 'Merrimac', which sinks two Union ships, without a scratch. It's new iron hull didn't break at the assault upon it. Union forces then send their new Ironclad the 'Monitor' which engauges the Merrimac for over an entire day, in which both ships retreated, the fight resulting as a draw.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    Second Battle of Bull Run
    75,000 Union troops, under the command of General John Pope and defeated by 55,000 Confederate Rebels. The Rebels, under command of General "Stonewall" Jackson and General James Longstreet send them running. Shortly after, Pope is relieved of duty by President Lincoln.
  • Emancipation Proclomation (Politics)

    Emancipation Proclomation (Politics)
    Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclomation. It frees all black slaves in states currently in rebellion. In reality, it didn't free any slaves, as Lincoln didn't have power in the Confederate States, but it meant something to the slaves, who started to revolt.
  • Confederate Bread Riots (Economy)

    Confederate Bread Riots (Economy)
    Bread riots in the Confederate states ensued due to that years unusual drought. A mod of starving women would raid stores and loot for food. Production of crops was also low due to lack of male labor. The riots only stopped when Jefferson Davis threatened to give the militia an order to blast upon the crowd lest they stop and go home. Picture from:
  • Gettysburg

    This is the most well known, and important battle of the Cival War. This was where the Union won a brillian victory that tipped the balance in their favor, and basically won them the war. Before Lee could charge up the center, Union cannons blasted and rained Hell upon the Rebels. The Confederates charged, running at the Federals, and retreating time and time again. The Rebel army retreated South on the last day. 28,000 Confederates had died or were missing, and 23,000 Federal tropps were gone.
  • A Dreadful End

    A Dreadful End
    President Lincoln, watching a play, is shot and killed, never seeing the end of the war that tore his country in half. The killer was executed. Later that month, Confederate Forces surrendered, and the Civil War of America, came to an end. 620,000 American died in battle, over twice that to disease, and 50,000 went home as amputees. A victory parade is held to boost national moral.