AP Biology

  • Carolus Linnaeus

    Carolus Linnaeus
    Carolus Linnaeus was the founder of taxonomy. He adopted a nested clasification system which consisted of grouping similar species into increasingly general catagories. His methods are still used to this day.
  • Hutton

    Hutton worked with Lyell to theorize where fossils were located and why. He suggested that valleys were formed by rivers wearing thorugh rocks . He also proposed how sedimentary rocks containig marine fossils were formed from particles that had eroded from the land and been carried by rivers to the sea.
  • Lyell

    Charles Lyell view of geology came to be known as uniformitarianism, He proposed that the same feological processes are operating today as in the past, and at the sme rate. He worked with Hutton to theorize this idea, which later helped Darwin understand evolution.
  • Lamarck

    Jean-Bapiste de Lamarck developed a comprehensive model for how life evolves. He recognized that evolutionary change explains the fossil record and organisms' adaptations to their environment. His theories were "use and disuse" (larger and stronger giraffe neck) and "inheritance of acquired characteristics" (pass modification to offspring).
  • Cuvier

    Georges Cuvier developed palentology, the study of fossils. He noted that the deeper the strata, the more dissimilar the fossils are from current life. He opposed the idea of gradua evolutionary change and advocated catastrophism.
  • Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel
    Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics. He discovered the principles of genetics through studying pea plants' characteristic traits by cross pollinating them. Mendel realized that alleles differed depending on the physiological trait of the parents.
  • Darwin

    Charles Darwin theorized that new species arise from an ancestral form by the gradual accumulation of adaptaptations to a different environment. His theory gave rise to how all organisms are related through descent from an ancestor that lived in the remote past. His theory was supported by paleontology, geology, genetics and developmental biology.
  • Avery- MacLeod- McCarty

    Avery- MacLeod- McCarty
    Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty discovered the function of DNA of how it carried genetic information and transfered heritable factors. They were able to deduce this by extracting heat from smooth bacteria and mixing it with rough bacteria. These different substances were then injected into mice, causing them to varify which type of bacteria would develop an infection and thus kill the mouse.
  • Plasmid Based Transformation

    Plasmid Based Transformation
    Plasmids consist of a antibiotic resistant gene and derive from a bacterial origin of replication. Transformations that are plasmid based have increased efficiency for the bacteria allows it to be more liable to chemical or electrical based transformations. They are able to easily take out different forms of DNA.
  • Hershey-Chase

    Hershey and Chase demonstrated that DNA is made of genetic information. They did this by showing how bacteriophages enters the host cell of the bacteria it infects, leaving its DNA and hardly any proteins. They then inserted radioactive substances into the bachteriophages and seperated it by labeling the stages.
  • Maurice Wilkins

    Maurice Wilkins
    Wilkins contributed to the finding of DNA's structure. Through the use of X-ray's he was able to narrow down the possible structures of DNA. He often associated with Watson and Crick to exchange information. Wilkins used biological samples and constantly found B-form x-ray diffraction patterns, leading him to deduce that DNA had a helical form.
  • Watson and Crick

    Watson and Crick
    Watson and Crick figured out the structure of DNA. They were able to uncover that DNA had a double helix and used previous information of DNA that it consisted of adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, and uricil. They did so by basing their experiments off previous scientists that discovered DNA, leading them to "fix the puzzle".
  • Rosalind Franklin

    Rosalind Franklin
    Rosalind Franklin contributed to the understanding of DNA's molecular structure. By using X-ray diffraction images of DNA, she determined that DNA had a double helix. Her findings were shown to Watson and Crick by Wilkins without her consent. She was able to convince Watson and Crick that the DNA's backbone was located on the exterior, which resolved their problem on figuring out its structure.
  • Gel Electrophoresis

    Gel Electrophoresis
    Gel electrophoresis is a procedure that separates macromolecules to analyze them. It is usually used to separate proteins and to measure the size of DNA/RNA fragments. It catagorizes them by their size and charge.
  • Cloning - Animals

    Cloning - Animals
    Cloned animals are made by taking an animal's somatic cell and inserting it into an egg cell, which by then have the DNA nucleus would be gone. Cloned animals are usually made for breeding and are as healthy as "normal" animals. Dolly the lamb is an excellent example of cloning live stock, she lived for 12 years.
  • Genetic Engineering

    Genetic Engineering
    Genetic Engineering is when new DNA is brought into an organism manually. By generating the sequence, it can change an organism's genetic structure. It is very much like GMO's.
  • GMO's

    GMO stands for genetically modified organism. This technique of changing the organism's DNA, by combining its genomes with others, is used to pro-long fruits/vegetable's lifespan and enhance an organism's its appearance. The GloFish are products of genetically modifying the fish's DNA.
  • Restriction Enzyme Analysis ( of DNA)

    Restriction Enzyme Analysis ( of DNA)
    Restriction Enzymes are enzymes that stop DNA at specific sites. They do so in order to prevent viruses from going inside. These enzymes are used to analyze DNA modification when they are being experimented, such as cloning.
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction

    Polymerase Chain Reaction
    Polymerase Chain Reaction is when moleculare biology is used to copy some pieces of DNA to gather a specific sequence. It is used to diagnose diseases and analyze genes. The process included the heating/cooling of DNA, which is then used as a template and may then be modified.
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    The Human Genome Project bases of their experiments in finding the sequence of base pairs that create human DNA. The research consists of discovering all the genes in a human, both physically and structurally. They discovered that there are approximately 20,500 genes in the human body and that our DNA has more repeated sections than expected.
  • Transgenic Animals

    Transgenic Animals
    Transgenic animals are animals that carry a gene that was manually inserted in their genome. By carrying the foreign gene, they produce different proteins in their milk and eggs (depending on the creature). These animals are often used to be tested with viruses in order to develop changes for humans.