AP Biology

  • Carolus Linneaus

    Carolus Linneaus
    A very important person that came up with the idea of bionomial nomenclature. Linneaus made the system of naming species of living things. The animal or plant is separated into two terms first the genus then the second species itself
  • James Hutton

    James Hutton
    James Hutton was investigated the ideas of geology. He wrote the books, Theory of the Earth, an Investigation of the Laws observable in the Composition, and Dissolution.
  • Lamarck

    Lamarck believed in the idea of use and disuse through his work "Philosophie Zoologique". His contradicting ideas to Darwin were that Adaptaions during a lifetime could be passed on to the next generation. However, Mendelian genetics disproved his rules for adaptation.
  • George Cuvier

    George Cuvier
    His works helped establish the fields of anatomy and paleontology when he worked with fossils. He centeralized on the idea that castasrophic floods were created new species in his "Essay on The Theory of the Earth". Cuvier was also against the idea of organic evolution believing that changes would just render a species ability of survival.
  • Charles Lyell

    Charles Lyell
    Rather than connecting the bible to the creation of the earth Lyell created his own idea of Uniformitarianism. He argued that changes of the earth were uniform through time. Lyells ideas are proved to be right with todays satellites. Lyell also inspired Darwin on the path of evolution.
  • Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel
    Mendel started his study of hereditary traits in 1854. when the accepted idea of hereditary traits was that it was diluted blending. Mendel used peas, tens of thousands of them, over an eight year period because its phenotype is easily seen. His studies resulted in two laws; Law of Segregation, and Law of Independent Assortment.
  • Darwin

    Darwin was a very important scientist that contributed good ideas with evolution. His work, Origin of Species, had two important ideas. One of the main ideas was that a diverse group of animals evolve from one or a few ancestors. The second one was about natural selection which ment 'survival of the fittest.
  • pharmaceuticals insulin

    pharmaceuticals insulin
    Pharmaceuticals are compounds manufactured for uses as a medical drug. Insulin is the very important hromone that enables your body to use sugar. People with diabetes need man made insulin to survive.
  • Avery-Macleod-Mcarty experiement

    Avery-Macleod-Mcarty experiement
    Oswald Avery, Colin Macleod, and Maclyn Mcarty conducted and experriment that defied the idea that proteins carried the genetic information. The scientists believed that DNA instead of protiens were the substance that causes baterial transformation.
  • Maurice WIlkins

    Maurice WIlkins
    Wilkins used different spectrophotometers to study biological molecules like DNA. Wilkins x-ray diffraction images were used by Watson and Crick to deduce the three demensional helix of DNA. Wilkins work led to him receiving the nobel prize in physiology and Medicine with Watson and Crick.
  • Restriction of enzyme analysis of DNA

    Restriction of enzyme analysis of DNA
    Restriction of enzyme analysis slices DNA or near specific nucleotide sequences known as the restriction sites. The construction of recombinant DNA molecules are done by the restruction enzymes. Restriction enzymes could also be used to map the locations of the restriction sites in DNA.
  • Hershey-chase

    Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase were two biologists that experimented with DNA. Hershey and chase saw that when bateriophages infected bacteria DNA entered, but most of the protiens did not. The experiments further concreted the idea that genes are DNA.
  • Rosalind Franklin

    Rosalind Franklin
    In 1951 Franklin accepted a three year scholarship to do research at King's college in London. While there she improved the X-ray crystallography unit at the college. With two high resolution photos of crystallized DNA fibers she deduced the basic dimensions of DNA strands.
  • Watson and Crick

    Watson and Crick
    Watson and Crick experimented with the idea that DNA was made up of two chains of nucleotides . They believed that each strand of the DNA was a template for the other. During cell reprodcution the new other half of DNA is simliar making it possible to reproduce itself with just a few mutations. The newly accepted work paved the way for future ground breaking experiments.
  • Gel Electrophoresis

    Gel Electrophoresis
    The use of gel electrophoresis is to separate DNA fragments by the size. Gel electrophoresis uses electricity to migrate the DNA fragments through a gel matrix. The device is used in forensics, molecular biology, genetics, and microbiology.
  • Plasmid based transformation

    Plasmid based transformation
    The transformation of bacteria leds to the storing and replication of plasmids. Nearly all plasmids holds bacteria origin of replication. Plasmids can be used because they contain a selective marker, origin of replication, and multiple cloning site.
  • Genetic Engineering

    Genetic Engineering
    Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen first accomphlished the direct transfer of DNA in 1973. Genetic Engineering has allowed scientists to manipulate genes or add them to variety of different organism. Genetic engineering led to genetically changed food and drugs.
  • Transgenic Animals

    Transgenic Animals
    A transgenic animal is an organism that carries a foreign gene that has been deliberately inserted into its genome. Transgenic animals are imortant in making animals more efficent when it comes to be being used by humans. The animals help in the feilds of agriculture, medicine, and and industry.
  • Stem Cell

    Stem Cell
    Scientists first discovered ways to derive embryonic stem cells from early mouse embryos more in 1981. Stem cells are undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism that is able to give rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type. The study of stem cells can give scientists more data toward solving many serious diseases.
  • polymerase chain reactions

    polymerase chain reactions
    The process, developed in 1983, of polymerase chain reactions enables scientists to produce millions of copies of a specific DNA sequences. The reaction depends on thermal cycling which is heating and cooling of the reaction of DNA melting and enzymatic replication of the DNA .The process could be used for DNA cloning, fuctional analysis of genes, and the identification of genetic fingerprints.
  • Cloning-animals

    Dolly the sheep is an example of the cloned animal. Although Dolly was a clone she was not a completly genetic clone since she only has 99.5 percent of the cells from the egg. Dolly has led to other experiments toward animals.
  • GMOs

    GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. The modified organisms are usually aimed to benefit humans. Agricultural plants are a common example of GMOs. Agricultural plants are modified to be pest resistant saving a lot of money for farmers.
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    The project resulted in the whole genetic mapping of the human being. Many countries including the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, and China.helped contribute with the project.The uses of the map can result to finding cures for genetically baised diseases.