
Anti-Vietnam War

  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War was an American attempt to prevent South Vietnam from becoming communist. The US provided military advisors to help train the south vietnamese soldiers. As the years before the war started the US continued to send more military advisors. When the war started their was a good number of people who did not like the fact that we were in war. Protests started and students most of the time organized it because their age was the average age that were in the getting deployed in combat.
  • Teach-Ins

    Faculty members at the University held a series of "teach-ins," that was to educate large segments of the student population about both the moral and political foundations of U.S. involvement in the war. The teach-in format spread to campuses around the country and brought faculty members into active antiwar participation. In March, SDS (Students of a Democratic Society) escalated the scale of dissent to a truly national level, calling for a march on Washington to protest the bombing.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    American soldiers open fired on several hundred of vietnamese women and children.William L. Calley , JR , was declared guilty of murder but it was later overturned. The outrage swept through the anti-war movement.
  • Draft resistance

    Draft resistance
    By 1969, student body presidents of 253 universities wrote to the White House to say that they planned to refuse induction, joining the half million others who would do so during the course of the war.
  • Anti-War march

    Anti-War march
    A second anti-war march took place. It drew an estimated 500,000 participants.
  • Kent State Massacre

    Kent State Massacre
    Students rioted and protested. They burned down the ROTC building on campus. The gov of Ohio sent the national guard to help control the situation. As tensions grew soldiers fired shots killing 4 students and wounding several.