
Anthony Johnson Progress that Diminishes

By EHSlack
  • Period: to

    The Lives of Anthony Johnson and Sons

    Virginia was the New World the new place to achieve what you couldnt in the Old World. Landowners and inentured servents (which included Africans) all came to start in this new land. This is the diminishing progress of one man who went from slave to a landowner with 250 acres of land. This is the dimishing progress of Anthony Johnson.
  • Introduction

    Virginia was the New World the new place to acheive what you couldn't in the Old World. Landowners and indentured servants (which included Africans) came iver for a new start in this new land.This is the diminishing progress of a man who went from slave to landowner with 250 acres of land. Thiis the diminishing progress of Anthony Johnson.
  • Anthony Johsons first slave John Casar

    Anthony Johsons first slave John Casar
    In 1646 Anthony Johnson now free has his first slave John Casar. It 2013 terms an African (who was once a slave) owning a slave is outeragous. But in 1646 if you owned land and could afford it you had slaves. And Anthony Johnson was a land owner so he went with the societable norm and he bought a slave. He later bought another slave. Think. If in a land called say LANDA and the people there make sure people with short hair had to wear orange. Those people were descriminated against.
  • Anthony Johnson's First Slave John part 2

    But if you get long hair you could stop wearing orange and wear other colors. Anthony johnson got long hair. Why couldn't he wear other colors also?
  • Period: to


    This is the progress of Anthony Johnson.
  • The Children of Anthony Johnson

    The Children of Anthony Johnson
    We know that by 1653 Anthony Johnson has a grown son according to a court case John Johnson (son of Anthony Johnson) and an another John Johnson living there at the time. Then sometime in-between 1651 and 1654 (exact date unknown) Anthony Johnson was exempted from taxes due to a fire on his estate. It lists there that he, his wife and TWO DAUGTHERS were tax free until they could get back on thier feet. Also when Anthony Johnson left Virginia to Maryland the land he left behind for his SON was...
  • The Children of Anthony Johnson Part 2

    The Children of Anthony Johnson Part 2
    ...seized by the goverement because he was "a negroe and by consequence an alein" (this is quoting John H. Russell in his paper "Colored Freemen as Slave Owners in Virginia.) So yes as far as we know Anthony Johnson and his wife Mary Johnson had 2 daughters and at least 1 son but most likely 2 sons.
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    These are the laws that demolished Anthony Johnson's progress.
  • Slavery decided by Mother

    Slavery decided by Mother
    A law was passed that your "status" was determined by your mother. Africans and English were having children and people couldn't determine whether or not they should be a slave or a free person so they decided to have it determined by the mother. The strange thing is is that most things were determined by the father. If you read the event The Children of Anthony Johnson you could see that he is skimming past these laws. When do you think his children will be trapped in the grip of these laws?
  • Africans and Indians Cannot own Christian slaves.

    Anthony Johnson never had to worry about this law because 1) he owned slaves before this law and 2) he died that same year. Yet I'm sure if he lived to see this law he would experience the financial strain. Not being able to own Christian slaves means he makes fewer crops which means less money which means he starts to go down hill. Uh oh.
  • Africans and Indians Cannot Own A Christian Slave

    Africans and Indians Cannot Own A Christian Slave
    Christianity at the time was the most common religion and most slaves converted to Christianity on the ships to the New World. So naturally the majority of the people there were Christian. This law stopped the Africans and Indians from owning Christian slaves and made them work on their own time. These people were free and if they wanted a slave (like Anthony Johnson did) it would be harder for them to do so since so many were Christian.
  • The Law that Left No Hope

    The Law that Left No Hope
    This law declares that all Africans, Indians and mixed race persons to be real estate. The law pretty much says that no matter what circumstance you are in if you are anything but English or European you are real estate. the final "dementor law" (for you non-Harry Potter fans a dementor sucks out hope and joy and eventually your soul). "There is no such thing as an accident, it is fate misnamed."-Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Conlusion

    So Anthony Johnson was very sucessful. He made money got married, had kids, and lived a good life. His family shall prosper. Or will they? I'm sure the sons and daughters of Anthony Johnson had kids. And some of them got stuck in the laws. If not them then Anthony Johnson's greatgrandchildren were. All that progress wasted. All that hard work messed up by the decisions of some Englishmen. White male landowners to be exact. We think that is so bad and that never should have happened.
  • Conclusion Part2

    Your right. It shouldn't have happened! To quote Bob Marley: "In this bright future you can't forget your past."