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Antebellum Timeline

By Jmora
  • The First Great Migration

    The First Great Migration
    The migration took place in
  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was created by a guy named Eli Whitney. This ipacted more to the South because they needed the machine to take the branches of the cotton.
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    Brown was a white American abolitionist who thought killing slave owners will free slavery in the United States. Jonh impacted more in the South.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Congress passed a bill granting Missouri statehood as a slave state. This impacted the South more than the North. It took place in the north.
  • The Cult of Domesticity

    The Cult of Domesticity
    It ws also called cult of true womanhood; it was a system of the upper and the middle classes in the U.S.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    Tubman was a African- America also was a Union spy. She impacted mor in the south by freeing the slaves from there owners and taking them to a place called the undergroud railroad.
  • Lowell Mill Girls

    Lowell Mill Girls
    The Lowell Mill tooked place in Lowell,Massachusetts, This more impacted the females in the north.
  • Middle Passage

    Middle Passage
    The Middle Passage took place in The top of America. This was a part of slavery because the slaves were put in a ship and sailed to a place to sell them; this impacted more in the south.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    The sewing machine was invented by a guy named Elias Howe. This impacted more to the North because in the North they made the clothes and they needed the sewing machine to help them.
  • Irish Immagrantion

    Irish Immagrantion
    The Irish Immagration is when slaves are trying to go to america because they had a proplem in Irish thanks to the Potato Famine ; it was a disease in there crops.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    The Senerca Falls Convention took place near Senerca Falls. the person who led this was a women named Elizabeth Cady Stanton this impacted more in society was in the south
  • Dynamite

    Dynamite was invented by a guy named Alfred Nobel. This strong machine had a more impact in the South.
  • The Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade

    The Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade
    The Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade took place in America. It was where a person can trade a slade for something good.