
Anne Frank WWII project

By willy02
  • Anne Frank

    Anne Frank
    Today, Koophuis has recovered from his illness. The Van Daans have run out of money and Mrs. Van Daan Doesn't want to sell her clothes
  • Third Moscow Conference

    Third Moscow Conference
    Today happened the Third Moscow Conference. These Conferences were held twelve time during World War 2 but the third one was the mot important. These are the meetings that the Russians have to talk about strategies and how to defeat the German army.
  • Bombing of kassel

    Bombing of kassel
    This bombing was one of the deadliest raids in world war two. the allies bombed military camps and cities in the axis' control this bombing killed approximatly 150 000 people and only 50 000 people were still alive.
  • Red army takes over Dnipropetrovsk

    Red army takes over Dnipropetrovsk
    Red red army took control of this giant Russian city and they created a death camp there for all the people they captured. They also created a military camp over there.
  • Anne Frank

    Anne Frank
    The Van Daans are still out of money and Mrs. Van Daan still doesn't want to sell her clothes. Mr and Mrs. Van Daan are arguing a lot lately
  • Anne Frank

    Anne Frank
    Anne's father applied for prospectus from the teachers' Institute in Leiden to give Anne and Margot something to do. Koophuis has given Anne and Margot, the children's bible to read.
  • Anne Frank

    Anne Frank
    In today's diary entry, Anne just talks about how it is going in the Annexe.
  • Anne Frank

    Anne Frank
    In today's entry Anne talks about her fountain pen and how it is a priceless possession that she had to leave behind in the war.
  • Red army liberates Kiev

    Red army liberates Kiev
    The red army has released all of the captured people in the city of Kiev because it was the anniversary of the Russian Revolution that happened in 1917
  • Bombing of Vatican

    Bombing of Vatican
    Today, Vatican got bombed by the Germans. Vatican was known for being neutral but the Germans were afraid that they might turn completly Allied so they decided to eliminate them. The pnae dropped bombs on the area South-West of Saint-peter's Basiliqua.