Anne frank

Anne Frank by Brionna :D

By Yannah
  • Anne's Birthday!

    Anne's Birthday!
    For Anne's 13th birthday she receives a diary.
  • The Secret Annex

    The Secret Annex
    Anne Frank, her family, and the Vann Daans move to the "Secret Annex."
  • Hidden

    Mr. Kraler put a bookshelf in front of the entrance to ensure the "Secret Annexe" is not found.
  • School

    Many of Anne's Jewish friends are taken from school.
  • Peter Van Daan's sixteenth birthday.

    Peter Van Daan's sixteenth birthday.
    Peter Van Daan received a razor
  • Another Member

    Another Member
    The "Secret Annexe" members decide to house one more person(Dussel)
  • First burglary

    First burglary
    Thursday, Everyone was sitting together when Peter came and whspered into "Daddy's" ear. They heard something fall in the warehouse. Peter, Mr. Van Daan, and "Daddy" went to go look while Margot, "Mummy", and Anne waited nervously.
  • Anne witnesses an air battle between German and British planes.

  • Second Burglary

    Second Burglary
  • The Fascist Party

    The Fascist Party has been banned in Italy.
  • Good News!

    The Franks and Van Daans sat around listening to the seven o'clock news and hear Italy has capitulated.
  • Anne's new hobbies.

    Anne's new hobbies.
    Anne finds herself making family trees and doing her hair like celebrities.
  • Third Burglary

    Anne gets irritated with all of the burglaries.
  • Anne's First Kiss

    Peter Van Daan kissed Anne
  • Anne's last letter in her diary

    Anne explaines how no one takes her seriously and there are two sides of her. She claims to be intelligent and a "profound thinker." Many of the people in the Annex see her as a little girl with foolish ideas and comments.