Andrew Jackson Timeline

  • Jacksons Birth

    Jacksons Birth
    Andrew Jackson was born in Waxhaws, the middle between North and South Carolina.
  • Jackson enlists in Revolutionary Army

    Jackson enlists in Revolutionary Army
    When he came into the army it ended his childhood and it also ended his family.
  • Battle of Horeshoe Bend

    Battle of Horeshoe Bend
    Andrew Jackson had led over 3,000 soldiers from the U.S to the river where 1000 creek warriors were behind barricades and were ready to fight hoping for a victory.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    It was the last Major Battle of the War of 1812.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    It was the Final Collaspe of the Republican-Federalist Poilictical Framework. For the first time nobody ran as a Federalists.
  • Election of 1824

    Andrew Jackson won the debate but was declined to become president by the House of Representatives.
  • Nullification Process

    The South Carolina State did not have to follow the federal laws and could "Nullify" it.
  • Indian Removel Act

    It was signed and the deal was that the authority of the land west of the Mississippi river will be for the Indians for exchange for the Indian lands that have existing State Borders.
  • Worcester v. Ga

    It went to the Supreme Court and it did not help protect the Cherookee Indians from leaving their homeland in the Southeast.
  • Bank War

    It was begun during the election of 1833 and it was to destry the Second Bank of the United States.