Unknown 3

Andrew Jackson Period 8

  • Jackson's Birth

    Jackson's Birth
    Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767 on the North Carolina- South Carolina border.
  • Jackson Enlists in Revolutionary War

    Jackson Enlists in Revolutionary War
    In 1779, Jackson was enlisted in the Revolutionary War at age 13.
  • Battle at Horseshoe bend

    Battle at Horseshoe bend
    United States forces and indian allies under Andrew Jacksons comand defeated the Red Skins. Horseshoe Bend was the major battle of the Creek War, in which Andrew Jackson sought to "clear" Alabama for American settlement. The result of this battle was that on August 9, 1814, Andrew Jackson forced the Creek to sign the Treaty of Fort Jackson.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Andrew Jackson was the comander in the Battle of New Orleans, and defeated a British Army intent of taking the land purchased from the Louisiana Purchase. This purchase nearly doubled the size of the United States.
  • The Election of 1824

    The Election of 1824
    In the United States presidential election of 1824, John Quincy Adams was elected President on February 9, 1825. This election had 4 canidates and they were all Democratic Republican. In this election, the Democratic-Republican Party was tested as four separate candidates sought the presidency. Later this party was turned into the democratic party by Andrew Jackson.
  • Bank Wars

    Bank Wars
    Jackson hated the 'Bank of the United States', the reason for his hatred is because he felt it was an monoply. He didn't feel that it was right to have non-elected people controling the money and credit. The president of the bank was Nicholas Bibble, he was only using the bank for personal gain and Jackson had knowledge of his actions. Jackson vowed " I will kill it". In the attempt to re-charter the bank Jackson vetoed it and it disapeared.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    It left supporters of Jackson very dissapointed, for he won the the most electoral votes, but was denied as president by the House of Representatives.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The Indian Removal Act was signed into law granting the unsettled lands west of the Mississippi river. Jackson felt that it was his right to expand all the way to the very edge of present day Californa. In Jackson attempt to expand there was a problem the occured. There were indians on these lands. The Indian Removal act stated that all indians were required to find a different area to live in. Jackson sent them on a joureny to what was called the " Trail of Tears".
  • Worcester vs. Georgia

    Worcester vs. Georgia
    Georgia passed a law allowing the whites to live on the indians land. This law prohibited the indians form entering their lands unless they had a licence. Then Worcester came in and said that these Indians do have rights to live on their land also that they had the rights to remain in Georgia. This case was taken to the Supream Court and declared that Georgia's acts were unconstitutional.
  • Nullification crisis

    Nullification crisis
    The United States had placed a tariff on imported goods. It made the South purchase higher priced items innerconential. The South declared the tariff illegal by passing the Nullification Act. Then South Carolina threatened to secede from the nation. This is when Jackson had to step in. He had 3 choices to repeal the tax, to risk civil war, or to lower the tax. Then Henery Clay was brought in because he had recently created the Missouri Compromise. They came to the agreement of lowering the tax.