Andrew Jackson/ Morgan Woolley

  • Jackson's Birth

    Jackson's Birth
    Not long before Jackson was born, his father died. Jackson was born in Waxhaws (on the bourder on North and South Carolina).
  • Jackson Enlists in the Revoloutionary Army

    Jackson Enlists in the Revoloutionary Army
    He enlisted in the Revoloutionary army at the age of 13 with his brother Robert Jackson who died of heat exhaustion at the battle of Stono Ferry.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    Indians joined Andrew Jackson in hope that if they allied them, that the Americans would leave them alone. They fought the Red-Sticks, and won. FACT: Only 6 people fighting on the american side died in the five hour battle. To keep count of all the Red-Sticks that had died, the American army cutt of a peice of all the dead Red-Stick's nose to keep a reliable count!
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Andrew Jackson was under command during the Battle of New Orleans. The American army won by defeating the British. FACT: The american army was outnumbered 2-1!
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    The Election of 1824 was bettween John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. Jackson won popular wotes, but did not have enough to win the election. John Quincy Adams won the election.
  • The election of 1828

    The election of 1828
    The election of 1828 was the year Jackson had finally won after running for president the election before in 1824. Jackson was a democrat. FACT: Andrew Jackson is on the $20 bill!. He had even tried to get rid of paper money because he trusted things like gold more!
  • The Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act
    Jackson hated Indians. He forced them out of their land. Many of them died.
  • Worcester V.S. Georgia

    Worcester V.S. Georgia
    Worcester was told by the state of Goergia that he had to leave. He went to court protesting that this was unconstitutional. The government ruled in favor of Worcester.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    The Nulliciation Crisis was a crisis bettween the federal government and South Carolina. South Carolina was to be taxed by the federal government; this was set up to help benefit the federal government, and not the states causeing South Carolina to rebel against the government as they didn't want to pay the tax if it wouldn't benefit them.
  • Bank War

    Jackson wanted to get rid of the second US Bank. He eventually did, because it was thought as only a Bank for the wealthy, and Jackson was all about the common man.