
Lina and Caitlins US History Timeline 3rd Period

  • Andrew Jackson Born

    Andrew Jackson Born
    Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767 on the border of North and South Carolina.
  • Jackson Enlists in Revolutionary Army

    Jackson Enlists in Revolutionary Army
    He joined the army at age 13 with his brother, Robert.
  • Battle Of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle Of Horseshoe Bend
    It was a battle in the Creek War. There was about 3,000 men on the american side and about 1,000 on the Red Sticks side.
  • Battle Of New Orleans

    Battle Of New Orleans
    7,500 British soldiers marched against 4,500 U.S. troops led by Andrew Jackson. They defeated the british in 30 minutes.
  • Election Of 1820

    Election Of 1820
    Monroe won the election by a landslide with basically no worthy opponent.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    Four people ran; John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, and William Crawford. And Jackson won bu twas accused of a fixed election.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The government forced indians to leave their homelands and walk to Indian territory located across the Mississippi River. This was called the Trail of Tears.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    A high tariff was made and South Carolina hated it so they threatened to secede unless the tariff was removed.
  • Worcester v. Georgia

    Worcester v. Georgia
    Georgia wanted the indians gone but the indians didnt want to leave so they went to court with their dilema.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    Jackson believed that the national bank had to much power. When the bank sent in the document ot be renewed Jackson refused to sign it thus getting rid of the bank.