Andrew Jackson Jake Stanfield

  • Birth

    Jackson is born
  • Jackson enlits in military

    Jackson became a war hero
  • Battle of Horeshoe bend

    his batle was ought in cenral alabama.fought between the americans and indians
  • Battle of new orleans

    The battle of new orleans started
  • Election of 1824

    John Quincey Adams beats Jackson in the presidential race
  • Election of 1828

    Andrew Jackson Deafeted Adams in the election
  • Bank War

    Political issue of recharting the second bank of the united states endeing 1837
  • Indian Removal act

    law passed that allows nagotiations to be made with southern indians for tem to move past the mississippi river
  • Nulification Crisis

    Confrentation involving north caroloina and te federal government
  • Worcester vs georgia

    Supreme court vacated the convection of samuel worcester