Andrew Jackson/Amanda & Michaela

  • Jackson's Birth

    Jackson's Birth
    March 15, 1767 marks the birth of Andrew Jackson who will go on to be the 7th U.S. president and future U.S. leader.
  • Jackson Enlist in revolutionary army

    Jackson Enlist in revolutionary army
    Andrew Jackson (along with his brother Robert) join the army.
  • Battle of Horseshoe bend

    Battle of Horseshoe bend
    As part of the war of 1812 Jackson led his army to a battle against native american tribes. The americans did win this battle.
  • battle of new orleans

    battle of new orleans
    As the last battle of the war andrew Jackson led his army into a battle with the british. The Americans won this battle too.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    An election between John Adams and Andrew jackson where John adams won in a decision made by the house of representatives.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    John Adams and andrew Jackson ran for president again this time with andrew jackson winning.
  • indian removal act

    indian removal act
    This was an act used to relocate inidans west of the mississippi river.
  • Bank war

    Bank war
    A campaign made by andrew jackson to get rid of the second bank of the u.s.
  • Worcester v. Ga

    Worcester v. Ga
    A case made arguing whether or not non-indians could live in native american territory.
  • Nullification crisis

    Nullification crisis
    Some states didnt want to pay a tariff and they claimed they had the right to nullify it started a crisis.