Andrew jackson

Andrew Jackson

  • Jackson's Birth

    Jackson's Birth
    Our President is born. Anderw Jackson was born in the Waxhaws area near the border of North and South Carolina. His parents are Andrew Jackson (Father) and Elizabeth Hutchson Jackson (Mother). His fathered died at his day of birth and his mother died in 1781.
  • Jackson enlists in the revolutionary army

    Jackson enlists in the revolutionary army
    During his earlier years, Andrew Jackson joined the continental army at age 14. The reason why he had to was because when his parents have passed away he wanted to earn money so in order to do so he joined the army.
  • Battle of Horseshoe bend

    Battle of Horseshoe bend
    The battle of horseshoe bend was taken place in present day, Tallapoosa River near Alabama. Where 1,000 indians faced General Jackson's army of 2,600 men. After a long period of chaos the Native Americans finally surrenderd. Although they have lost, the Natives were still promised access to travel over the river and to maintain their control over their land.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    On this date General Jackson got word of the British army marching towards New Orleans. Jackson, relizing the urgency of this, started for New Orleans with his army imediately. When the British army arrived they founded themselves reletively vunerable and after a matter of few days they finally accepted defeat and gave up.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    After the final votes have been talied, although Andrew Jackson was in the lead nobody won the popular vote of the American citizens. So to resolve this issue it had to be decided by the popular vote of the Congress. Who were to decide out of the three top canidates Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, and William H. Crawford who would win. After extensive debate the majority of the Congress have decided that it would be andrew Jackson who becomes our 7th president of the United States.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    Andrew Jackson won the relection of 1828. Even after the atempts Henry Clay tried to sabatoge his chances.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    President Jackson had the power to move the Native Americans west of the Mississsippi due to the passing of the Indian Removal Act. The path that the Native Americans had called "The Trail Of Tears." This was called that, because many elderly and young people died of many reasons. Such as dieases, starvation, dehydration, and harsh conditions.
  • Bank war

    Bank war
    Andrew Jackson had a deep emity towards the National bank. He vowed that " I will kill it". Eventually when the charter was up for revival he vetoed the bill and the bank was closed.
  • worcester v. georgia

    worcester v. georgia
    Georgia had many Native inhabitants living within their state boundaries. Altough the Natives were harmless, the citizens of Georgia complained that they wanted them out of the state. So when they attemented to do so. Samuel Worcester and many more have filed a supreme court case against the state of Georgia. After a few days the decision has been made that the Native Americans must move from Georgia state boundaries.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    Andrew Jackson made the tariff of 1828 in which the state of South Carolina strongly disagreed about. Enraged by this act, the state threatens to seperate from the country. So in order to resolve the situation, Henry Clay decieds to make yet another solution to solve the problem in a dimplomatic way.