Andrew F. Davis

  • Civil war starts

    Civil war starts
    The Civil War started because the south wanted to leave the Union and have their own rights. how the civil war started
  • Period: to

    civil war

  • Union food

    Union food
    The camp that Andrew was at had a pretty good cook which was rare during the war. FOOD!
  • Waiting for supplies

    Waiting for supplies
    Soldiers had to wait weeks sometimes to get their uniforms and guns.
  • Drills

    life of a soldier
    the drills in were exhausting and they were performed very often so the soldiers that did them were beat down most the time
  • Disease

    Andrew gets Rheumatism in his hand and arm, and some of his friends got sick too.
  • Moving Camps

    Moving Camps
    Andrew and his company was moved to Camp Tippecanoe
    troop movement
    troop movement
  • Moving camps again

    Moving camps again
    camp reynolds history
    Andrew moved to Camp Reynolds.
  • Money troubles

    Money troubles
    civil war financeSometimes soldiers dont get their pay until days, weeks or even months later!
  • Moving camps AGAIN

    Moving camps AGAIN
    history of the civil war in virginiaAndrew moved to another camp in the Allegany Mountains in Randolph county Virginia.
  • It got cold

    It got cold
    weather during the civil warSince Andrew and his regiment moved to the mountains it got really cold and all they can do about it is to make fires and thats it.
  • Planning to go home

    Andrew is hoping to go home in 3 months.
  • Spies

    Spies were spying on the camp Andrew was in.
  • Bad storm

    Bad storm
    Andrew had to fight through a really bad storm while in the mountains
  • Moving camps AGAIN!!!

    Moving camps AGAIN!!!
    forts and camps in Kentucky
    He moved camps AGAIN. This time he was at Camp Buell in Louisville Kentucky.
  • Smallpox

    Smallpox in the civil war
    Smallpox is in the camp Andrew is in and several people have it so far.
  • No blankets

    No blankets
    Winter camps
    Andrews friend or family member "Luther" doesnt have blankets where ever he is.
  • Burials

    how people were buried in the civil war
    There are one or more burials each day where Andrew is stationed
  • Mail system is screwed up

    Mail system is screwed up
    Postal Service
    Some of the mail that Andrew's wife's letters didnt get through to him.
  • Kids are sick :(

    Kids are sick :(
    How children were affected bby the civil warAndrew's two of three kids are sick.
  • moving camps AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

    moving camps AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
    camps in Kentucy
    He moved to a camp near Boling Green, Kentucky

    tennessee history before and during the civil war
    Andrew moved to a camp near Nashville, Tennessee
  • Union fights back

    civilian "soldiers"
    The Union civilians are starting to fight the confederates too
  • Resignation process

    Resignation process
    conditions of resigning or getting discharged
    Andrew is in the process of resigning and the government has to pay him three months six days of pay because they didnt pay him before.