Ancient Greece

  • 492 BCE

    The Darius I Invade Greece

    The Darius I Invade Greece
    The first Persian invasion of Greece, during the Persian wars begin in 492 BC, and ended with the decisive Athenian victory at the battle of marathon and 490 BC. The invasion, consisting of two distinct campaigns, was ordered by the Persian king Darius I primarily in order to punish the city states of Athens and Eretria. These cities had supported the cities of Ionia during their revolt against Persian rule, thus incurring The wrath of Darius.
  • 490 BCE

    The Greeks Defeats The Persians at Marathon

    The Greeks Defeats The Persians at Marathon
    The battle of Marathon had took place in 490 B.C . Warriors and the other warriors had to fight to the death. There was 10,000 Greeks and 25,000 Persians were on the marathon plian and the were both getting to start the war and to see who would have won the war, it was maybe an interesting fight but, to see wo had won the war the Greeks had won.
  • 480 BCE

    The Battle of Salamis

    The Battle of Salamis
    The battle of salamis was an novel bottle far between and allies of Greek city states Under themistocles and the Persian empire under king xerxes in 480 BC which resulted in a dicisive victory for the out numbered Greeks. The battle was fought in the Straits between The mainland and salamis, and island is the Saronic gulf near Athens, and mark the high point of the second persian invasion of Greece.
  • 480 BCE

    The Battle of Thermopylae

    The Battle of Thermopylae
    The battle of Thermopylae was fought between an Alliance of Greek city states, lead by king leonidas of Sparta, and The Persian empire of xerxes I over the course of three days, during the 2nd Persian invasion of Greece. It took place simultaneously with the naval battle at Artemisium, in August or September 480 BC, at the narrow Coastal pass of Thermopylae. The Persian invasion what is a delayed response to the defeat of the first Persian invasion of Greece.
  • 445 BCE

    The Thirty years peace between the Argos and Sparta

    The Thirty years peace between the Argos and Sparta
    The 30 years piece was a treaty, signed between the Ancient Greek city states Athens and Sparta, in the year 446/445 BC. The treaty brought in and to the conflict commonly known as the first peloponnesian war, which had been raging since c.460 BC.
  • 424 BCE

    The Athens Invades Megara

    The Athens Invades Megara
    The battle of Megara was fought in 424 BC between Athens and megara, and Allie of Sparta. The Athens were victorious. Megara was in the country of megarid, between central Greece and the peloponnese. Megara, and Allie of sparta, consisted of farming villages. With flat plains and foothills, and hosted two harbors.
  • 404 BCE

    The End of the Peloponnesian war

    The End of the Peloponnesian war
    The Peloponnesian war (431-404 BC) was an ancient Greek war fought by Athens and its empire against the peloponnesian league led by Sparta. Historians have traditional divided the war into three phases. In the first phase, The archidamian war, spiral launched repeated invasions of Attica, while Athens took advantage of its Naval supremacy to raid the coast of the peloponnese and attempt to suppress signs of unrest in its empire. This period of the war was concluded in for 421 BC.