
Ancient Greece

  • Early Greece (40 000 BC)

    40, 000 BC the first inhabitants started moving into the area.
    The first settlers used tools such as bone and flint to hunt animals like reindeer and bison, and also gathered wild plants. This was known as the Stone Age
    There were limited amounts of farming space due to the land being densely populated with trees; this meant that there was a heavy reliance on fish as a food source.
  • Period: to

    Ancient Greece

  • Bronze Age (2900-1000 BC)

    Around 3000 BC, people from Greece discovered how to make bronze by combining copper and tin. This enabled them to produce tools and weapons that were hard and sharp. The earliest civilisation to develop were the Minoans which thrived around 2000 BC, this was on the largest island called Crete. Archaeologists have identified a thriving culture on the Cyclades islands from about 2600-2000 BC.
  • Dark Ages (1100-800 BC)

    Between 1100-800Bc there was a lot of famine and warfare with the destruction of buildings, poetry and artwork with the whole way of life crumbling. Most daily living was stunted due to the lack of resources and most people were very poor.
    State of Sparta was founded.
  • Archaic Period (800-500 BC)

    Between 800BC-500BC things picked up again and colonies were formed with connections to new cities overseas. Trade was flourishing and cities formed all the way along the Mediterranean Sea from France to the black sea. Most of the Greek states formed were ruled by rich land owners called Aristocrates. First Olympic games held at Olympia.
  • Classical Age (500-323 BC)

    Period between 500BC-336BC Athens prospered and became one of the great cities. This followed the great Persian wars where the city was rebuilt and become the focus of business and culture. The city of Athens was named after Athene goddess of wisdom and war who planted an olive tree to show the birth of the now city. This tree later became known as a sacred place where people would build their houses around. In 460-457 huge walls were built around Athens.
  • Hellenistic Age (323-30 BC)

    The Hellenistic period or Hellenistic civilization is the period of ancient Greek history after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC]The Hellenistic period was characterized by a new wave of Greek colonization which established Greek cities and
    The Hellenistic period may be seen to end either co the Greek heartlands by Rome in 146 BC, with the final defeKingdom at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. The lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt was one of the