An Emerging Nation

  • Jamestown

    The first permanent English settlement is founded in Jamestown, Virginia.
  • Slaves

    The first enslaved Africans arrive in North America at Jamestown.
  • Mayflower

    The Mayflower pilgrims establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony at Plymouth.
  • General History of Virginia

    John Smith publishes the General History of Virginia.
  • Pilgirm journey across Atlantic

    William Bradford describes his journey across the Atlantic and pilgrims' settlement in Of Plymouth Plantation.
  • Public School

    North America's first public school is founded in Boston.
  • Bay Psalm Book

    Bay Psalm Book is the first book to be printed in America
  • The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America

    Anne Bradstreet's poems, collected as The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America, are published in London.
  • Native American resistance ends

    The Puritans' victory in King Phillip's War ends Native American resistance in New England colony of Pennsylvania.
  • Pennsylvania

    William Penn founds the colony of Pennsylvania.
  • The Sovereignty and Goodness of God

    Mary Rowlandson publishes The Sovereignty and Goodness of God, an account of her captivity at the hands of Algonquian Indians.
  • Quakers oppose slavery

    Quakers voice opposition to slavery.
  • Salem witch trials

    Salem witch trials show atmosphere of mass hysteria.
  • The Wonders of the Invisible World

    Cotton Mather publishes The Wonders of the Invisible World in defense of the Salem witch trials.
  • Boston Newsletter

    The Boston Newsletter, the first American newspaper, is established.
  • Population

    The colonial population reaches about a half million; Boston's population is about 12,000.
  • The Dogood Papers

    Benjamin Franklin uses humor to criticize the Puritan establishment in his first published work, The Dogood Papers.
  • Great Awakening

    The religious revival known as the Great Awakening (1739-1742) begins.
  • Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    Jonathan Edwards delivers a sermon called "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." The sermon typlifies the religious movement known as the Great Awakening.
  • Iroquois Confederation

    The six nations of the Iroquois Confederation cede Ohio Valley territory north of the Ohio River to Britian.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party marks a violent rejection of Britian's taxation policies. The Revolutionary War begins two years later.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Second Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independence.
  • End of American Rev.

    British defeat at Yorktown ends the American Revolution
  • U.S. Constitution

    U.S. Constitution is approved.