Amy's Technology Story

  • Call Waiting

    Call Waiting
    This saved my life in high school. I was able to get every call that I needed to take! LOL
  • Caller ID

    Caller ID
    This was even better than Call waiting.... now I could see who was calling me and I could decide if I wanted to answer
  • Computer Programming

    The first time I had ever heard of computer programming was in 1992 when my then boyfriend was writing code for a program for his mom's hospital ( and his senior project). When I saw that heart beat scroll across the screen I was forever changed!! I had never seen anything like that. It was amazing to me that he created that screen with letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • 1st Cell Phone

    1st Cell Phone
    My first cell phone was a BellSouth flip phone and I thought I was too cool!!
  • 1st Computer with Internet

    1st Computer with Internet
    My husband worked for CompuServe and he built a computer and we had internet access. It was amazing to be able to be a part of that before it became what it is today. I can still hear the dial up when we logged on!
  • 1st iPhone

    1st iPhone
    I was so amazed with the first iPhone. I couldn't believe all of the information that I had at my hands!