
  • The beging

    The beging
    In 1817, a treaty was made between Britian and Spian banning the sale of slavesin in any spanish colonies. Over a two year peiod 25,000 slaves were taken to cuba to be sold.
  • The rise of Cinque

    The rise of Cinque
    later in 1839 they had captured fifty-three slaves,including Cinque the leader of the Mendians.They were shipped to havana,cuba then a spianish colony.
  • The rise of Muntiny

    The rise of Muntiny
    The 49 slaves picked thier locks allowing them to be free to a crate of machetes.After that they killed everyone except three survivers that were orderd to sial to africa but in stead went back to theU.S.A and were soon siezed by the U.S Navy.
  • Suspicious Ship...?!

    Suspicious Ship...?!
    On August 26, the USS Washington, a U.S. Navy brig seized the Amistad off the coast of Long Island and escorted it to New London,Connecticut. Riuz and Montes were Freed, And the aficans were imprisoned pendending an investigation of the Amistad Revolt.
  • Court is in hearing

    Court is in hearing
    On february 22, the supreme court began hearing the Amistad case. President Martin Vin Buren appealed the case to the United States Supreme court. He blieved that since the vessel and slaves were owned by spanich citizens, Spian should deal with them....
  • Freedom? yet!!

    Freedom? yet!!
    The African slaves that were captured or illegally forced on the Amistad into slavery,and thus are free under American Law. While spanish Athorities And the U.S. President Martin Van Buren appeled the decision,But Another federal district court upheld Judson's findings
  • Court is in hearing #2

    The Amistad defence team need to find somone who was well-known like Buren to help defend the Afican
  • freedom!!

    A corherent argrument of Cinque and 34 other surviviors started In November, with the financial assistance of their abolitionist allies, the Amistad Africans departed America aboard the Gentleman on a voyage back to West Africa. Some of the Africans helped establish a Christian mission in Sierra Leone, but most, like Cinque, returned to their homelands in the African interior.