American Revolution TImeline

  • Battle of Philadelphia

    Battle of Philadelphia
    Philadelphia is the largest commenwealth of Pennsylvania.
  • Marquis de la Fayette

    Marquis de la Fayette
    A french aristocrat and military officer who fought in the Revolutionary War for the United States.He died in May 30th,1834
  • Battle of Lexington & Concord

    These battles were the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War.They were fought in Middlesex Country,Province of Massachusetts.
  • Battle of New York

  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    It was in Trenton.People were killed.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle took place in Saratoga on the Hudson River in New York State.The Americans forced the surrender of Burgoyne's force.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    The Battle of Yorktown was a decisive victory by a combined assault of American forced led by General George Washington and French forces led by the Comte de Rochambeau over a British Army commanded by Liutenant General Lord Cornwallis.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The treaty of Paris,signed in Paris by representative King George 111of Great Britain and the representatives of the United States of America on September 3rd,1783.It was drafted on November 30th,1782.The treaty of Paris was the end to the Revoltionary War.
  • Battle of Bunker HIll

    Battle of Bunker HIll
    The location was Massachusetts.The battle is named after the adjacent Bunker HIll,which was perphirally involved in the battle and was the original objective of both colonial and British troops,and ocasionally reffered to as the 'Battle of Breed's Hill'.