American Revolution Timeline

  • Battle of Lexington & Concord

    British attack Massachusettes
    1st military engagement of American Revolution
    British won 1st
    Americans won 2nd
  • Capture of Fort Ticonderoga

    Key point to Hudson River & Canada
    1st victory of American Revolution
  • 2nd Continental Congress Meets

    In Philidelphia
    Appoints G. Washington as commander of Continental Army
    Voting for a Continental Army
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    British army dislodges entrenched New England force
    American army fights back
  • George Washington Named Commander-In-Chief

    6 yrs of struggle
    He led victories
    Victorious as leader
  • American defeat at Quebec

    Americans attack Quebec
    Americans lose
    Americans retreat
  • British Evacuate Boston

    G. Washington beats Red Coats
    Chases British out of Boston
  • Declaration of Independence Issued

    It was to explain why colonists had a right to revolt
    Helped become seperate from England
    Made US Independent
  • Battle of Long Island

    Washington's defeat
    G. Washington escapes from enemy forces
  • British Occupy NYC

    Horrible loss for American Revolution
    Bad loss for Washington
  • Battle of Trenton

    G. Washington beats garrison of Hessians
    Beats Hessians before leaving
  • Battle of Saragota

    16 days
    American victory
    In the end, French allies with Americans
  • British Occupy Philidelphia

    British fork over Philidelphia
    British leave from rumors of a French attack coming
  • Battle of Brandywine

    British win
    Americans lost more than 1000 men
    A lot of Am. were wounded
  • Articles of Confederation Adopted

    It was to form a government for newly-united, 13 colonies
  • Winter At Valley Forge

    Philidelphia fell to British
    Americans lost to British
  • Alliance With France

    Secretly been aiding Americans since 1776
    France sent fighters to assist the Americans
  • Battle of Monmouth Court House

    Americans win
    Americans RETREAT
    Both, British & Americans, claim to have won
  • Fall of Savannah

    Savannah is British's
    Americans failed for days
  • Spain Enters War

    Declares war on Great Britain
    Allies with Americans
  • Benedict Arnold's Treason Discovered

    Arnold led British Forces-TRAITOR-to Connecticut & Virginia
  • French & British Battle In Chesapeake Bay

    Navy fight
    2 hrs\29 warships
    British defeat
  • Cornwallis surrenders

    7087 officers & men
    900 seamen
    144 cannons
    15 galleys
    30 transport ships
  • Siege of Charleston

    Worst defeat in American Revolution
    Americans surrender
  • Siege of Yorktown

    Magruder flees
    ^ Confederation gathers in Richmond for meeting & attack