American revolution

  • The Original 13 colonies

    William Penn, a Quaker,established the Pennsylvania colony in 1677 and, when the Dutch were defeated by the british in 1664, their new amsterdam colony was quickly renamed new york and became a british colony.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    George washington was born in virginia in 1732.He was only 11 years old when his father died and george went to live with his elder brother, Lawrence.
  • Why were the colonies so unhappy

    Why were the colonies so unhappy
    In 1756, British and France went to war, and the war took place all over the globe, including north America, where the french tried to defeat the british with the help of their indians allies
  • British Rule

    British Rule
    In 1760, George III bbecame king atg england and, therefore king at the north American colonies.
  • Revolution approaches

    The fraustration of the colonies to grow in the early 1770s
  • Revolution approaches

    On 16 Decenber 1773, a group of colonists dressed up as american indians boarded a number at british ship in boston barbour
  • War

    In1774 when representatives at the 13 colonies met in philadelphia to discuss recent events
  • All the country belonged to russia

    Florida,California and Texas all belonged to Spain, and Alaska belonged to Russia.
  • American revolution

    American revolution
    The counrty that declared its birth to the world was the 13 united states.