Aerican revolution

American Revolution- Alex Buechel

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    British comander- Thomas Gage
    Continental General- George Washington
    Key Events:
    - Americans had 140 killed & 271 wounded,
    British had 226 killed & 826 wounded
    - Battle of bunker hill convinced many patriots that regular military establishment was unnesassary, adding to george washingtons's difficulties
    -Brittish took bunker hill with bayonet after colonists ran out of powder/amunition.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    British general- William Howe
    American General-George Washington
    Victor- British
    Key Facts:
    - Colonists lost new york which resulted in loss of port, for trad and war potential
    -Troops from Mayland covered american retreat from long island
    - British had 32,000 British & Hessian troops, George Washington had 20,000 troops
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    German mercinaries- Col. Johann Rall
    American General- George Washington
    Key Facts:
    - George Washington launched suprise raid against large force of german mercinaries day after christmas
    - 3 american divisions were sent to attack mercinaries, 2 of the 3 retreated, leaving only washingtons 2400 troops advancing
    - The complete victory at Trenton With no american deaths revived american moral and shocked British and their German allies
  • Period: to

    Battle of Brandywine

    British gen- Sir William Howe
    American gen- George Washington
    Victor- British
    Key Facts:
    - This victory helped open the way for the british conquest of philadelphia
    - British failed to deliver crishing blow to Washington at Brandywine
    - The terrain at Brandywine was uneven & revolutionaries were badly situated
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    British gen.-john Burgoyne
    American gen.- john Stark
    Victor- America
    Key Facts:
    - turning point of revolutionary war
    - British & Hessian troops surrendered their arms
    - American victory gave France confidance to join America as an ally
  • Battle of momouth

    Battle of momouth
    British gen.- Sir Henry Clinton
    American gen.- George Washington
    Victor- Stailmate
    Key Facts:
    - British withdrew at midnight to resume army march to New York
    - First tie Washington fought British to a standstill
    - American ary had been growing more disiplened due to training done by generals
  • Capture of Savannah

    Capture of Savannah
    British gen.- Archibald Cabell
    American gen.- Robert Howe
    Victor- British
    Key Facts:
    - The take over of Savannah was to prevent Washington fro attacking British troops in the northern theater
    - most of Howe's troops had never been in/ seen war
    - British had 7 killed & 17 wounded, America had 83 killed, 11 wounded & 453 captured
  • Battle of Cowpens

    Battle of Cowpens
    British gen.- Banstre Tarleton
    American gen.- Daniel morgan
    Victor- Americans
    Key facts:
    - Wars in the southern colonies had become soething of a stailmate
    - Fighting tactics were raiding & guerilla warfair
    - This battle instilled ore hope and fighting spirit in Americans
  • Battle of Guilford Courthouse

    Battle of Guilford Courthouse
    British Gen.- Corn Wallis
    American Gen.- Nathaniel Green
    Victor- British
    Key Facts:
    - British had 550 dead & wounded, Aerica had 250 Casualties
    - North Carolina milita who left the field did not return
    - Battle caused corn Wallis to move into Virginia, & finally Yorktown to his surrender
  • Period: to

    Battle of Yorktown

    British gen.- Corn Wallis
    American Gen.- George Washington
    French Gen.- De Rochabeau
    Victor- America & French
    Key Facts:
    - With no sighn of Clinton's relief & with inadequate Supplies of aunition & food Corn Wallis Surrendered at Yorktown
    - America and France were allies
    - Casualties were 500 British, 80 Americans & 200 French