American History II

By 1615928
  • Theodore Roosevelt is born

    Theodore Roosevelt is born
    Theodore Roosevelt was born in Manhattan, New York City.
  • Returns from the Spanish-American War as a hero

    Returns from the Spanish-American War as a hero
    Roosevelt served in the military as a rough rider. The rough Riders where the first voluntary cavalry units in the Spanish-American war.
  • Appointed President after McKinley's assassination

    Appointed President after McKinley's assassination
    Roosevelt was the vice president during McKinley's presidency. McKinley was assassinated September 6, 1901, after McKinley passed Roosevelt was appointed as the new president.
  • Coal Strike of 1902 (Energy Crisis)

    Coal Strike of 1902 (Energy Crisis)
    Roosevelt invited the coal companies to meet and settle the problems related to the strike. The coal companies declined the invitation, as a result Roosevelt then threatened to send soldiers into the mines which would cause coal companies to lose money so they then accepted.
  • Elkins Act

    It ended the practice of rebates. Railroad companies expressed that they wanted to end rebates and Roosevelt agreed with them.
  • Pelican Island, Florida

    Pelican Island, Florida
    It was the first wildlife refuge. It was made to protect Egrets and other bird species from extinction.
  • Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act

    Passage of Pure Food And Drug Act
    The act prevented the selling or manufacturing of poisonous or deleterious foods and drugs. Roosevelt saw the news being spread by the muckrakers and as a result the act was passed.
  • Devil’s Tower, Wyoming

    Devil’s Tower, Wyoming
    The antiquities act was made this act allowed objects of historical or scientific interest to be set aside.
  • Roosevelt leaves office and goes to Africa

    Roosevelt leaves office and goes to Africa
    Roosevelt made Taft his successor and left for Africa to hunt big game.
  • Bull-Moose Party

    Roosevelt noticed that Taft was taking a more conservative path rather than being progressive, as a result the Bull-Moose party or progressive party was made and Roosevelt was nominated head of the party. Though Roosevelt did this to stop Taft from getting elected neither of them were elected, but Roosevelt still beat Taft in popular and electoral votes.