American History B Timeline

  • Car Invented

    The first car was invented by Ferdinand Verbiest
  • Computer invented

    Charles Babbage invented the first car
  • Radio invented

    The radio became developed from the telegraph and telephone.
  • Telephone invented

    Alexander Gram Bell created the telephone
  • The Great Migration

    The movement of 6million African Americans.
  • Television Invented

  • 18th Amendment

    This law prohibited alcholic beverages in the US
  • 19th Amendment

    Men and women had equal voting rights. Women could finally vote in the election along with men,.
  • Immigration Act

    US federal law that was written to limit the number of immigrants entering the US
  • Black Tuesday

    The stock market collapsed. There was many stocks but no buyers.
  • Black thursday

    Wall Street crashed.
  • 21st Amendment

    This amendment repealed the 18h amendment. This made alcholic beverages legal to any person 21 years or older.
  • state of economy

    The banks closed for a week. The banks couldnt keep up with the peoples with drawls
  • FDR elected president

    FDR was the 33rd president of the United States
  • Hoover Dam Constructed

    This dam is located in the Colorado River in black canyon. This is between Arizona and Nevada
  • GI bill of rights

    This bill gave returning WW!! veterans benefits
  • Frisbee invented

    This was when the first plastic frisbee was invented. Before the plastic one people would use tin plates
  • Internet

    During the Sputnick lauch scientest had to do research on the internet