American History: 1620-1755

By asmith9
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  • Virginia Company

    In 1619, the Virginia Compny let Jamestown have a part of this. Then, they brought African slaves to Jamestown.
  • Mayflower Compact

    This is when the pilgrims signed the contract. The Mayflower Compact is what the pilgrims used to have laws of their own, and be able to be loyal to England.
  • Plymouth

    The Indians and the English celebrate the first Thanksgiving.
  • Puritan Charter

    King James I signed contract to colonize above Plymouth for more spread of religion.
  • Great Migration (1630-1640)

    Over 15000 pilgrims moved south of Massachussetts because of their laws and relious beleifs.
  • Rhode Island Charter nf

  • Laws

    Rhode Island made it illegal to have slaverly illegal.
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    North Carolina doesn't want and agsinst English taxation.
  • England King

    King James II leaves England because of English influentials and goes to France.
  • Oglethrope's Colony

    He gave his colony back to the King of England because he strted to run it badly.