American History

  • Jan 1, 1450

    The New Colonists

    People from spain, france and netherlands migrated to america.
    Happen in Jamestown Virgina
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus left spain

    Left spain to go to america
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Mayan Civilization

    Spanish begin conquest
  • Jan 1, 1520


    Mayflower Compact signed
  • Pocahontas

    First native american female to be respected
    Saved John Smith twice
    Had three names..Pocahontas, Rebecca,Motako
  • 13 Original Colonies

    New Hampshiere
    Rhode Island
    New York
    South Carolina
    North Carolina
    New Jersey
  • Virginia

    Founded in 1607
    Founded by London Company
    Became Royal Colony 1624
  • The slave trade

    In 1619 people would traavel to africa and other countries to trade materials for people
    Those people would be brought back to america and treated as slaves
  • Massachusets

    Founded by Puritans
    Founded in 1620
    Became Royal Colony in 1691
  • New Hampshiere

    Founded in 1623
    Founded by John WheelWright
    Bacem ROyal Colony in 1679
  • SmallPox Outbreak

    The pilgrims transfered thier diseasesto the indians which led to ravage smallpox outbreak that soiled the good relationship between the two parties
  • MaryLand

    Founded 1634
    Founded by Lord Baltimore
  • Conneticut

    Founded by Thomas Hooker
    Founded in 1635
  • Rhode Island

    Founded in 1636
    Founded by Roger Williams
  • Delaware

    Founded in 1638
    Founded by Peter Minuit and New Sweden Company
  • North Carolina

    Founded in 1653
    Founded by Virginians
    Became Royal Colony in 1729
  • South Carolina

    Founded in 1663
    Founded by Eight Nobles with a Royal Charter from Charles II
    Became rpyal colony in 1729
  • New Jersey

    Founded in 1664
    Founded by Lord Berkeley and SIr George Carteret
    Became Royal Colony in 1702
  • New York

    New York
    Founded in 1664
    Founded by Duke of York
    Became Royal Colony in1685
  • Pennsylvania

    Founded in 1682
    Founded by William Penn
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Born on this date
    Was a printer
    MArried to Anne Child
  • New Orleans

    founded by the french
  • Georgia

    Founded in 1732
    Founded by James Edward Oglethorpe
    Became Royal Colony in 1752
  • George Washington

    Born in Westmoreland, Virginia
    General at the Revolutionary War
    Became first presifent of the United States
  • Boston Tea Party

    Happen in Boston, Massachusets
    18,000 was how much the tea costed
    Overthrew because of the taxes of the british
  • Adoption of the Declaration of Independence

    Adoption of the Declaration of Independence
    In Philadelphia,Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776 the Continental Congress adopted theDeclaration of Independence.It was a grea step toward equality and justice.
    The document stated thatall men are created equal and banned slavey. It brought relief to many men in the U.S
  • Ohio Outlaws Slavery

    Ohio Outlaws Slavery
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Jefferson asks congress for funds for an expedition to explore the Mississippi River
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    Refered to the "Second War of Independence"
    32 month military conflict between the United States and Great Britian
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    An agreement passed in 1820
    Between the pro-slavery and anti-slaveryfactions in the United States Congress
    Prohibited slavery in the former louisiana Territory
  • Treaty of Guadalupe

    Treaty ended Mexican-American War
    Gave U.S Texas and the RIo Grande as its boundaies
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Saved the Union,freed the slaved and presided over America's second founding
    Became president in 1860
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    Issued by Abraham Lincoln
    Declared "all persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of the states, thencefoward, and forever free"
    It did not end slavery
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Battle fought around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
    Between Union and Confederate forces
    Durig the Armerican Civil War
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Assianation took place on good friday
    First american president to be assainated
    Shot by John Wilkes Booth
  • The rainroad

    the first transcontenintiel railroad was created
    Connected the east and west coast
    Made getting people and goods around faster
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    Prohibits each government in the United States from denying a citizens the right to vote based on the citizens "race, color, or previous condition of servitude"
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    AndrewCarnegie created the Carnegie Steel Industry in 1870
    Became very wealthy over the next 20 yers
    in 1901 he sold his Steel Industryfor 480 million dollars
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Was very imortant man in history
    Created the phonograph in 1877, The light bulb in 1879 and the motion picture camera in 1888
  • George Eastman

    George Eastman
    Wasvery important in the photography business
    Invented the roll film in 1883and the Kidak camera in 1888
    with the invention of that, it helped photography become more advanced
  • Civil rights Act

    Civil rights Act
    declared unconsituional
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Whether busting trustsor building canal, he embodied the "strenuous life" and blazed atrail for twentieth-century America.Teddy became president in 1901
  • Start of WW1

    Start of WW1
    Assasination of Arch Duke Franz ferdinand of austriaby Yugoslav nationalist Gavielo Princip in Sarajevo
  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
    This was the end of WW1
  • Womens right to vote

    Womens right to vote
    19th Amendment
    Gave all american women the right to vote
  • Charles Lindbergh Crosses the Atlantic

    Charles Lindbergh Crosses the Atlantic
    First person to fly a plane across the Atlantic Ocean.
    Flew from New YOrk to France
    Fought as a pilot in World War 2
  • Herbert Hoover Elected President

    Herbert Hoover Elected President
    Won election of 1929
    Known for the Hoover Dam
    Tried to combat the stock market crash 8 months after he was elected
  • Start of WW2

    Start of WW2
    Hitler's aggression in Europe and Japan's imperialistic values in the Pacific sparked the single largest scale war in the history of the world
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    A surprised military attack by the Imperial Japanese Navy
    Reason why the United States entered into WW2
  • Columbus found land

    the land he found is now called the "bahamas"
  • End of WW2

    End of WW2
    Japan surrenders to the United States
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Was primarily the result of the political division of Korea by an agreement of the victorius Allies at the conclusion of the Pacific War at the end of WW2
  • NASA

    Established for peacefulapplications in space science.
    Became operational on October 1, 1958
  • Endangered Species Act

    Endangered Species Act
    signed into law by President Richard Nixon to protect critically imperiledspecies from extinction
  • Vietnam War Memorial

    Vietnam War Memorial
    Opened in Washington Dc
    Honors U.S service members og the U.S Armed Forces who fought in the Vietnam War