American History

  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to

    Historical Events

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus lands in the Bahamas

    Columbus lands in the Bahamas
    Christoper Columbus set sail from Spain westward to find new land. He had three tiny ships. After six weeks of looking for land, he sighted an island.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    The Treaty of Tordesillas was formed

    The Treaty of Tordesillas was formed
    The Treaty of Tordesillas was formed between Spain and Portugal. Spain got the lions share and Portugal recieved territory in African and Asia. Portugal also got the title to lands that one day would be Brazil.
  • Apr 6, 1513

    Balboa claims all lands touched by Pacific Ocean

    Balboa claims all lands touched by Pacific Ocean
    Vasco Nunez waded into the foaming waves off the coast of Panama. He claimed all the land that touched the Pacific Ocean for his king.
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Cortes conquers Mexico for Spain

    Cortes conquers Mexico for Spain
    The aztecs attacked and drove the Spanish down to a bloodyretreat. Cortes laid seige to the city of Tenochtitlan.
  • Sep 3, 1524

    Verrazano explores eastern seaboard of North America

    Verrazano explores eastern seaboard of North America
    The French king dispatched Giovanni da Verrazanoto pobe the eastern seaboard. Ten years later Jaques Cartier journeyed hundreds of miles up the St. Lawrence River.
  • Sep 3, 1532

    Pizarro crushes Incas

    Pizarro crushes Incas
    Francisco Pizarro crushed the Incas o Peru. After he crushed them, it added a huge hoard of booty to Spanish coffers.
  • Sep 3, 1558

    Elizabeth I becomes queen of England

    Elizabeth I becomes queen of England
    When Elizabth ascended to the throne of queen, Protestantism became dominant in England.
  • Sep 3, 1565

    Spanish build fortress at St. Augustine

    Spanish build fortress at St. Augustine
    The Spanish built a fortress here because they wanted to block the French ambitions and protect the sea lanes to the Caribbean. St. Augustine is the oldest continually inhabited european settlement.
  • Sep 3, 1577

    Drake circumnavigates the globe

    Drake circumnavigates the globe
    Francis Drake plundered his way around the planet returning three years later with his ship heavily ballasted with Spanish booty. Queen Elizabeth was his financial backer and helped him with venture netted profits.
  • England defeats Spanish Armada

    England defeats Spanish Armada
    The English seadogs fought back against the Spanish flotilla. The Spanish Armada marked the beginning of the end of Spanish imperial dreams.
  • Spain and England sign a peace treaty

    Spain and England sign a peace treaty
    Peace with Spain provided the opportunity for English colonization.Population growth provided for the workers.
  • Virginia colony founded at Jamestown

    Virginia colony founded at Jamestown
    When the English landed in Jamestown, the chieftain Powhatan dominated the native people that lived in the James River area.
  • Spanish found New Mexico

    Spanish found New Mexico
    The Spanish proclaimed the area to be New Mexico and found its capital to be Santa Fe. They found few furs and precious little gold. What they did discover was the wealth of souls to be harvested for Christian religion.
  • Rolfe perfects tobacco culture in Virginia

    Rolfe perfects tobacco culture in Virginia
    John Rolfe perfected the methods of raising and curing the pungent weed of tobacco.He did that by eliminating much of the bitter tang. After that was done Europeans demand for it was insatiable.
  • Act of Toleration in Maryland

    It was passed by local representative assemly. It guaranteed toleration to all Christians.
  • Barbados slave code adopted

    Barbados slave code adopted
    The slave code denied the most fundemental rights to slaves and gave masters complete control of their laborers.
  • Carolina colony created

    Carolina colony created
    When the colony was created they adopted a version of the Barbados slave code.
  • Pope's Rebellion in New Mexico

    Pope's Rebellion in New Mexico
    The Pope's rebellion is when Roman Catholic mission's become the central institutions until the missionaries suppress native religious customs.
  • Yamassee War in South Carolina

    Yamassee War in South Carolina
    The South Carolinians defeated and dispersed the Yamassee Indians.
  • Georgia colony found

    Georgia colony found
    It was the last of the thirteen colonies to be planted. Georgia belongs elsewhere, but it is grouped with its southern neighbors.